To Remember

To Remember

He sacrificed his life for having fun,
Didn't know him well, but sure do miss him,
Always made the daily life a party,
With foreshadows of a future dim,
Not the kind my parents could have raised,
Too bold a man to follow stone set rules,
Look into his eyes and find a child,
Psycho alterations; be his tools,

All your sacred eyes have ever seen,
And all your closed clenched fist has ever felt,
Is no more growing, you are blind and numb,
But not to new things, with which, now, must be dealt,
You are gone now, we'll never speak again,
All the laughter taken from your eyes,
Your care-free and euphoric ways of life,
Are remembered in the earthly humans' cries,

My heart to you, my human brother,
Someone like you, I will find no other,
