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I cry for you! Those that preach and do nothing with it!

Here I am looking at
the creation that my father did.
And We gave you our
And yet you do not
I cry!
for those that suffer because
you have only tought the
words and have not became
the words and acted upon
those words.
I cry!
for those that suffer before
your eyes that you fail
to see!
I cry!
for those that have became
so busy with there little
lives that they can not
help another.
Because they are in a rush.
I cry!
for all of the souls
that you thought you
have saved because its
not the flesh.
When its the flesh I
gave and died for you.
It was the flesh that
walked around with you and
healed the sick.
It was the flesh that
touched you and held you
and showed love to you.
But it was my spirit
that guided me to do
these things for you.
I gave my flesh for
I gave my life for you!
And I ask you do the same!
The light is more then spirit!
The light is taking the
time to help someone!
Not to set there reading them
word for word from the bible.
For you to use the words
and understanding to help that person!
And you do this with!


When you see this:
You promice to help three people.
No matter what help they need
You are to see it through
And You tell them!
For you helping them.
They in return help three people.
Now send this Url to those
on your list.
Instant Messaging list
/E mail list/ other list.
You have a half hour!
Do not break the chain
Do not send this back to
the person that sent it to you!
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