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About Richard!

Born July 1st,1949 in Lakeside Hospital In DeFuniak Springs Flordia ...
Richards Father went to Toledo Ohio. Where He landed a job with his Brothers in Rossford Ohio. He moved to a small apartment there that the company provided for its employees.

Richard lived with his mother and they stayed at His grandparents house. Where His mother would work in town as a waitress.
At 17 months of age His dad came and took them to Ohio.

Picture Above is after Richard and his mother arrived in ohio. Where Richards dad bought a trailer and had it placed behind his uncles Petes house. Where they lived until they could afford A house.

Dad and Ma! Bought an acre of land between Genoa and Lemoyne ohio..
But I remember the first movie I saw was Old Yeller!
And that my parents had a chicken farm. I use to go out and gather eggs every day. I had a rooster named red. But he died.
Dad one day brought home a baby Pigeon one day that had fallen from its nest. We had got our new refregerator that day. So my dad cut the box down so the Pigeon could stay in the box. I would help Mom and dad hand feed the Pigeon . I named him floppy because he would flop around a lot. Dad built a coope for the bird when he got old enough. And dad would catch Pigeons from work and put them in the coope. I loved watching them fly around.

I loved riding my bike up and down the road and I use to pick wild strawberrys from the side of the road. We had the chickens and the pigions as well as two dogs and a cat.. The dogs I loved.. I guess the cat was to keep the mice away.. Dad bought some bandie Chickens for me. These are miniture chickens. and he got yellow buffs. They were so kool.. He got a few ducks also.. These were also kool. I would just enjoy things around me at that time. I loved Davie Crockett. With Fess Parker..
I saw my first fish tank.. My uncle Pete had a wonderful fish tank and fish. when we went there I enjoyed watching the fish.. So my dad put up a small ten gallen tank up.. But the fish multiplied so fast he could not deal with it. So he dumped the tank.

I went to Leymone school..Latter to Troy. But we went to church in Genoia. Where I met father O'tool. He tought me so much about God. And I took what he tought me for the rest of my life..

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