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Something New is coming?


We moved back to the Toledo area. I was close to 8 years old at this time:
We moved to Andrus road close to E.Broadway. We lived in the upstars Apartment.David my brother was born here.

When Ma! Went to the hospital to give birth. Dad took me to my Aunt and uncle Mikes home. I told dad to tell ma! that it had better be a brother or I would be leaving..He smiled and headed out the door.. The next morning I was awoke to the news that I had a brother. And in a few days the two of them came home.

I enjoyed living there. The man to our left was a mail man.He had a 1955 chev. And I loved that car. He had pigs.And I would go there to help feed them. He grew corn and other crops. And at the far end of the fields. There was a creek bed. I use to go there with my cousins a lot. and I would go there a lot alone just to be alone.. I started going to St.Ciryels and Methodius church and school in Rossford. The school Bus would come and pick me up.

Well we made another move. this time we moved to a house on Bacon Street in Rossford. It brought me closer to school. And I would spend more time at the church. And church activitives. I would come to school early.. I started getting pass out spells. And would faint a lot.. I did not know why. But it would happen quite a bit.. I would go down to the park by the river. And would skip stones. Libby Owens Fords fence line weas there. and you could see the different color chunks of Glass there. I would find the best of them and at times would bring one home. ma! would use it as a door stop. We lived in a house on the corner. And the Volinteer Frie Dept. Was down the street. And I would follow the fire engine as much as I could.
The people accross the street was white. And the rest of the block was black. I got along a whole lot better with my black brothers and sisters then with my white friends. I guess the white kids across the street was jelious because they would pick fights and call the police often.The good thing is I started music lessions. First the trumpet and it did not work out. And then I'm trying drums..his might be kool.

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