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Another Move! And more challanges..

Well it was time for me to move again.And our small family packed up and moved again.

This time we moved to a street off Tracy road. It was across the street of an old church. Next door was a barber shop and next to him on the corner was Kwaskis Store. Where you could get a lot of things. A block down Tracy was a butcher shop. And that was also good. They also had fresh fruit.
I would catch the bus every morning.. I got tired of standing waiting for the bus in the cold..I would ride my bike around the block with my new friend Roger and his sister.And would go to my cousins Mike,Dennis,and Tommys house to play ball. Football or base ball, Sometimes we would play hockey in the back yard.. But it was nice to go and play with them.. Latter It seemed that we started to pull more apart. And I was haveing a problem with a group of guys by home. Richard,Tim,Tommy, and a few others. They would come by tying to fight me and such.But It finnally ended when we bacame friends. I started smoking cigerettes with them. They were not the best of guys to be with. But we had fun. Like they built a underground fort and that was fun. I use to go there often. Just to get away from things. We started to catch Pigeons at night. And we started our own coopes.We would climb tall buildings sometimes 10 to 12 stories.The city would board up comdemed buildings. And when the morning came they would fill them with poisen gas to kill the birds. We would climb them from the outside. Window to window. All the way up to the top floor. Where we would loosen some boards and inter. And closing the boards behind us. We would go in with burlap bags.And catch the birds traped inside.We would tie off the bags and one of the guys would be waiting below to catch the bags as we sent them down by rope. The bags would be stacked until we had them all full.Then we would climb back down.And load up the bikes. And carry the bags to Rich's coop.Where they would be released. Then we would divide the birds up between the 4 or 5 of us. i would take my birds in a bag or three to my coop. Where I would release them.And on saturday Me and my dad would box up the birds that I did not want. And my dad would get his choice of birds also. And we would let Richard know that we were going to Lutes Pigeon farm to sell and trade. Rich would put his in boxes also. and would load them in my dad car and we would go. Some of the Pigeons would go for$.25 each. Others would go for $1.00 and a few would go for more money. The birds would be looked at my Lutes. and he would tell us what each bird would go for. As he seperated our batch. The money would be added up and I could trade for fancy Pigeons. That cost more Some times $2.50 to $5.00 a bird. We would take our birds home and put them in our coops. and start our quest all over again.. My dad had built himself a small coop. And he raised white new zellion rabbits. I hab my Pigeons. And raised parrotkeets,parrots,finches,cannarys in part of the attic. The other half I raised mice,hampsters,Genia pigs. And down starirs i had fish tanks of fish. All would go to the pet store for food. Or money.. I was making a few bucks. And the Pigeons was keeping me very busy..And I would ride my Bike to Rossford to school every day. Rain/snow/ice/cold/ or sunshine. I was still having the pass out spells, but I would keep them quiet..My friends and I are having a lot of fun. and we have a big business. Along with all of the animals I have two dogs also.. Trixie is a fox terrier and penny is a boston terrior. One stays outside and the other stays inside. Dad is making good money with his rabbits. And I'm doing ok with mine. But we need more room. And the lease is up. So we need to move. Because the landlord wants to raise the rent.. So off we go..

We moved for a short time off Oakdale St.Where we lived for such a short time. I was going to oakdale before we moved.Because I started the 7th grade there. I was in class there When John F.Kennedy died. And it was only for a few months. Then we made the move.

This time to fryer st off of Nebraska Ave. I was just starting 7th grade. And I moved my birds with me. And that made me happy. But I was having problems getting along once again with fellow class mates.I'll be going to McTigue Jr. High school. And this is quite different then the catholic School I'm use too.
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