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Back to living at an Apartment!

We got started packing things up.
Mother was in the hospital again. She had the heart sergery. She was the fifth person in medical history to have this done. She lived 8 hours on a heart and lung machine. And that in it self at this time a wonder. They put in two pig valves with marbels. Mother would wright prayer poems. She would advise the nurses in there problems.

They would come to her from all over the hospital . They would walk away from her with smiles and a prayer poem that she would wright. They gave her a heart pin that she is proud of.

She landed back in the hospital the next month. Because the breast bone was decaying away in her body. They needed to remove it.

She had a stroke that took her back in the hospital . And on the day she was getting ready to leave the hospital . She had another stroke.

The nurses from all over the hospital to see her. She had more visitors from the staff then most doctors.

She came home and she had her walker. The home nurse was instructed to take the walker away. Mother had become too weak to use it.

Dad was worried. He said, That it was like lyeing next to a cold block of ice. Her body was so cold. My mother was getting very sick. And All I could do through this time was to try to keep things going at home.

I had to make sure David made it to school(kindergarden) and make sure things were ok with dad. I practiced my drums most of the day time. As well as helping with laundry and house cleaning. I put together my models.

Dad when he was not at the hospital with us. He would do his number my number paints. Dad would get me a new LP at times. I remember the lp Revolver by the Beatles. Mom liked the song Elenor Rigby. So did I..

Dave would play with the children on the block. And I would at times also. It was not much to do. I got a job at Big Boy on Woodfield Rd. And it brougnt me in a few dollars.

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