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Four days to become a man!

Well this one morning I had got up and dad was just going out the door. He was on his way to work. I right away got things going for David. He was going to Kindergarden and I had to get things going for him. I went in and Mom was asleep. So that was alright. So everything seemed to be as normal. I looked at the calander and noticed it was Friday. Its been over a year now that mother had her first surgery. The one that made the history books. And her health was everyones consern.

David is up and he has to get ready for school. So as he takes a bath and brushes his teeth.I get into gear making his breakfast. Get him to the table to eat, get him dressed and out to the bus.

Now my attention is on mother. So I wash the dishes and get things done. Get her meds ready and take them in to her. She has just awoke. And wants me to turn up the heat. I do this and get her breakfast together before the nurse arrives to change her dressings. Mother get her breakfast and she is not eating much these days and that has me worried. I always worrie about things that I can not do anything about
Its about 9am now! and the nurse just came in. She talks to my mother and changes her dressings. She makes a phone call and bids me a good day. She will be by tomorrow to do the dressing change only. That is fine with us.The house is very quiet. Because its quiet that mother needs. So I do what I can to keep it that way.

The phone rings and I look up at the clock. It's 10:14 am. I answer the phone and its my long friend Bob. He tells me that there is a football game tonight at Rogers high school. And that we have not gone to one for such a very long time.And that I could stay the night. He knows that my mother is not feeling well but he wants me to go with him to the game to unwind and get away from all of the stress and problems.

I tell him that its out of the question. Wait a moment Bob my mother is calling me. I set the phone down. And walk into mom's room, she is setting up. Who's on the phone sweetie? Bob! What does he want? He wants me to go to a football game tonight!Well why don't you go? Because I need to be here with you mom! No! Son! You need to get away from this place for awhile. Tell him that you will be there, and we will make some plans, so you can go! But Mom you need me! No! I need you to go out and be a boy! Go out and have some fun. But Mom what if something happens? Do not worrie about that. Jesus is with me all the time. Go and have some fun. Together we will make a plan that will free you up so you can go! Now! tell Bob that your coming and that you will call him back to let him know what time you will arrive at the bus stop. So he can meet you. Now! go do this and do not argue with your mother. Yes Mom! But! No buts. Go do it now! Go on! Get! So I leave the room feeling that I should not be doing this. But I also could not disobey her. So I told Bob that I would be coming and that I would call to let him know what time I would arrive at Reynolds Corners.

So I got off the phone and Mom called me into the room. She opened her purse and gave me a a ten spot. She then said. David will be home at 1:00pm. from school. What time does the game begain? I told her about 3:30pm to 8:00Pm. Then you need to leave here at noon. So you call your aunt Wilma that lived on Liberty street, about 3 blocks away.So I called her and told her that Mom is forceing me to go to the football game with a friend. She said, that she would be at the Apartment before noon, and that I needed to get out.And we hung up. I called bob back and told him that I would be leaving at noon from the house and by 2:15 I should arrive in Reynolds Corners.

Now in red is what was going on at home. And in black was what was going on with me!

So my aunt came and knocked on the door. And I gave her the phone # to Bobs house. I told her that if anything happens to call right away. And I would find a way home. She understood. She went in and talked with my mother. And that she brought some of her famous chicken soup. This woman and her chicken soup. Always chicken soup. Home made and hers was good. I told her that I really had a funny feeling about this. But she insured me that things were going to be okay. Anyways Dad would be home at 4:00 and David would be home around 1:00. So I took a jacket and the money and walked to the bar on the corner to get change for the bus to go downtown to catch the Dorr st. Bus to Reynolds Corners. So for this time all I did was get this feeling that I should not be going anywhere.

At home Aunt Welma went and warmed the soup. A bowl for David with a sandwitch and one for mother. This was started by 12:45. David came in At 1:10pm. and Aunt Welma told David to be quiet that Mom was taking a nap. So she set David at the table so he could eat. Aunt Welma went in to see if she could wake up my mother. And She was too deep into sleep. So she went back out to keep an eye on David.

At this time I was still waiting for the dorr street bus to Reynolds Corners. I felt that something was very wrong. But the dorr street bus arrived before I could go to the phone to call home. I knew that if there was a problem that Bobs dad would meet me and bring me back home! So I boarded the Dorr street Bus.

Aunt Welma just kept an eye on David and Checking on Mother. That was asleep.David finnished his soup and sandwitch and Aunt told him to go out to play but do not go too far. So David went out the door to play. As aunt Welma started to get worried about My mother. Because she had been in a deep sleep about 2 hours.

Here I am looking out the windows of the bus thinking and wishing that I did not leave the apartment. I seen the Reynolds Corners Bus Stop and tere was Bob alone. This made me feel a bit better. Because seeing Bob and not his dad put things at ease on my mind. We went from the bus stop right to rogers High school grounds. The croud was begining to build as we walked there. Bob was very funny and got me to laugh a lot. And got me to forget things a bit.

Well david had been in and out of the apartment several times When dad arrived home. Aunt Welma Told my Dad what had happened. And dad went in to check mom. He came out and got right on the phone to call the ambulance. And Aunt Welma called the doctors to let them know that mom was going to the hospital. The ambulance arrived and they determened that she was in a coma from after the time I left the area. They tranported mom to the hospital . As dad took Welma home and him and David went to the hospital . Latter to be joined by some of the other Faykosh men.

It was after half time that I really had this really bad feeling. I turned towards Bob. and I looked into his eyes, it must have scared him a bit. Because of the look he gave me.I told him" I really should be home right now!" And Bob said," Rich Your mother wanted you to get out for one night to relax and be a boy again. You have been coopped up for over a year and you really need this." I agreed with what he said, and kept on having that deep down feeling. The game was over and we walked to the white Hut. And had something to eat. We walked past the old pool hall and walked past the old house I use to live. It was rather sad. And the feeling was getting so much stronger. So on we walked to Bobs home. Arriveing there I asked Bobs dad if there were any phone calls. He said that there were no phone calls. And that I could sleep in if I wished, I gave no reply. It must have been 9:30 or 10:00 at this time. I wanted to make the phone call but it seemed that they were right. That if anything happens Dad or Aunt Welma would call. So I went to bed.

Well Dad and my uncle Matt and some of the others were at the hospital. The priest was called in to do the last securments. As the nurses stood by in prayer.The priest came out and told my dad that she had come too and he talked to her. And she gave him her confession and as he finnished praying she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Just that easy. She passed in peace. And with no problems.

It was early in the morning.. Must have been about 3:30 am. When I was awoke by Bobs dad. He told me that someone was here to take me home.
I do not remember the trip home or the people that picked me up. Or how that part of the story took place.
All I remember is walking in the door. To see my dad in tears. At that point I knew what had happened. I did not break a tear. But went right to work.
Mom had a wheel chair that was loned from the people behind us. So I pulled it out and took it over to there door.
They could get it when they awoke. Dad did not get any sleep. And we all knew that he needed it. Uncle Matt said,"that thet we had to find something for mom to wear".So I went in her closet and picked a blue dress as my uncle got the slip and things. I also grabed her prayer book and her heart pin. As well as a pair of shoes.
Then I went to the kitchen and made coffee. After the funeral home called,we got in the car with my uncle and we went to the funeral home. Were we gave them the items. The director ask how we wanted her hair. I just looked at him. He smiled and said," that they would make her look good". Dad and uncle Matt went in to a room and picked the coffin.They picked a steel Bronze with soft padding.
we went back home where dad got some sleep. And my uncles told us that they would meet us at the funeral home latter, and that if dad started feeling real bad for me to call them. I had still not cracked a tear as yet. I guess I was still in shock. But I kept on going.I went to the record stack and started looking for my revolver album. And I could not find it. It just was not there!This upset me. But not enough to make me cry. Dad got up and we got dressed to go to the funeral.

Seeing her there still did not make me cry. Dad knelt at one side david in the center and I was on the other end. As we looked into the coffin. David pulled at dads arm and asked if they had cut off moms legs. Dad just said no and cryed. I smiled at it. And told David that the coffin has two doors. And that the lower half was closed. The director showed me the pin . They put it next to her head in the lineing not the pillow. i went out side to be alone. and my uncle Matt came out there to check on me. He looked at me and told me that I had proven to him that I was a man. Because how I had handeled this.And he asked me if there was anything that he could do for me. I told him about the revolver album. And how mom liked that one song. He told me not to worrie. We left there late and after we got home I stayed awake. As the others slept.
Infact I did not break down in tears until I had kissed the head of the coffin before they put in in the ground. That was my breaking point. Only then did I let it fly.

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