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Looking out our Back Door!

Just wanted you to see a little what we see out our back door...

If its winter!

Geese flock here by the thousands. This is a day time picture. But by late afternoon you will not be able to see the snow on the fox River. And the squanking all night will fill the air.. You just have to learn to like it. Joyce will feed the geese ducks and Squirrel's and Swans... Look and see.
one Friend here!

The little one come to her window and they will knock on the window until Joyce notices them. And tosses out a nut or two.. And they will knock on the window for more. Its funny to be eating breakfast when the little knock happens on our window.. Oh! yes! Joyce has a name for each one also!
one Friend here!

Ducks, Geese, swans, all the birds come when Joyce opens the sliding doors. They watch for her all the time. Winter or summer.. Next page will show our spring/summer view..

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