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Tiskilwa High School

"1961" Graduate

Carolyn Bowers (Hopper)

On the left is my graduation picture

On the right is a more recent photo

         Address       324 W. Owens Street
         City             Tiskilwa
         State            Illinois
         Zip Code     61368
         Phone         815-646-4414

         Information about me:          

. I got married at twenty and had my first son, Keith, at age 23. Then thirteen months later I was in my second marriage and had my second son, Chris. After that I waited quit a few years before I did that again! ! Then I got married again. This time I got it right because Reid and I were together for twenty years before he died. Reid and I went to FI. every winter and the boys would start school here, go to FI. in Nov. and stay until April, then come back to Tiskilwa to finish the year of school. I have been a widow since 1990 and have no plans on changing that status. Neither of my sons have any children. Rut I do have step-grandchidren that I enjoy very much. The oldest is 13 years and the yourlgcst is 5 years old. I guess I have Tiskilwa in my blood as I moved 10 FI. for 3 years in the early 90's and came back to Tiskilwa to live. I work at the Princeton Sealing Wax Co. in Princton. 1 really like my job and plan on staying there until time to retire, if the good Lord is willing. I bought myself a home in Tiskilwa a few years ago. So I don't plan on leaving. Last Dec. I bought myself a new computer and got on the internet. I have been doing my genealogy for a number of years and it is so much easier with the computer. So far I have 3 lines that go back to the 1600's. That is back to my 7th great grandfatllers!! Really 1 have 10 generations in those lines, as there are 3 generations under me! I really love doing the genealogy and some times I get lost in it. Have been in conflict with cousins I never knew that I had before. I really don't feel like I've been out of high school for 40 years. They say time flys when your having fun, I guess I've been having fun!! I remember when I was in school and my biggest dream was to see evcry state in the United States, well I've seen 33 of them, so I don't think I've done to bad on that dream. I still have time to see the rest of them.