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Tiskilwa High School

"1961" Graduate

Joyce Anderson (Richards)

On the left is my graduation picture

On the right is a more recent photo

         Address       5680 Astoria Way
         City             Colorado Springs
         State            Colorado
         Zip Code     80919
         Phone         719-593-1824

         Information about me:          

After 26 years in Texas (25 of those in Greenville at the same church!), Ralph and I moved to Colorado Springs, CO. in Nov. of 1995. At that time Ralph assumed the position of Mission Pastor for OC International, a mission sending agency. As a couple, we travel extensively to give pastoral care to our missionaries living overseas. We have resident teams in 22 countries including Central and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. After all those years in one place our lives have certainly changed! However, we love what we do and consider it quite a privilege to come along side and seek to encourage those with whom we work. And, let me say, living in Colorado isn't all that bad either! ! ! We enjoy the climate (low humidity, mild winters!) and the scenery immensely In 1996, within the span 'of 10 weeks, our two daughters were married -both back in Texas at our home church in Greenville. Ralph performed the ceremonies -what a delight for a dad! Lisa, now 31, married Will Enoch and they live in West Chicago, IL. with our 18 mo. old grandson, Tyler. Will is a banker working as a custodial trust account manager in downtown Chicago. Lisa is a stay-at-home mom who does flower arrangements for weddings and receptions on the side. Krista, 28, married Clay F,noch (yes, the guys are brothers -they all met at W1leaton College!) and they live here in Colorado Springs with our 8 mo. old grandson, Noah. Clay is a sculptor and Krista (retired from teaching!) is also a stay-at-home mom. Compared to some of you, we are late getting into the grandparent role but we are thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. Besides the travel that I do, I also work in our headquarters office three days a week as a volunteer. I do secretarial work for Ralph, serve on our Personnel Interview Committe, and a myriad of other tasks. Thlring the summer we have various training programs that take place here and so J do some teaching in tllem. We also often have some of those people staying irl our home. (For example, for the past two weeks we have had a couple from Brazil and a fellow from Kenya staying with us. They are here for a research training seminar.) I've also been speaking at some women's cvcnt~ such as women's retreats, teas, ete. (Must have been thc training from those one-act plays at THS -remember Goodbye to the Clown" you guys???). Life is full and very, very good. I have been incredibly blessed! I'm sure thailt must also be difficult for all of you to imagine that we graduated 40 years ago. How could it be so long when we are still so young! As I look back at those days 1 realize that part of the richness I know in my life is because of each ofyoul And, r am gratefijl for you! Fifteen years ago we lightly thought that in the end "he who has thc most toys, wins". But now we know that he who has the blessing or rich relationships with family, friends and, most importantly, with a Hevevenly Father really wins. The great part ahout it is it's a race we all can win. l'm looking forward to seeing you all at the finish line!