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Tiskilwa High School

"1961" Graduate

Linda Stalter (Sears)

On the left is my graduation picture

On the right is a more recent photo

         Address       16713 N. 700 E. Road
         City             Graymont
         State            Illinois
         Zip Code     61743
         Phone         815-743-5985

         Information about me:          

The last forty years have gone by too quickly for me. Paul and I were married in early 1962. Since that time, we moved once, to our present location on the farm near Graymont, IL, and have been here for the past 38 years. We have four children--2 boys and 2 girls, who are grown and gone with families of their own, and have presented us with 6 grandchildren--5 girls and 1 boy. David and Rosemary both live with their families in Minneapolis, Mark lives in Austin, TX, and Sarah lives in Flanagan, about 4 miles from us, so we get to enjoy those grandchildren as we see them the most. Over the years, I have worked in a several offices in the bookkeeping and insurance claims fields. I was a stay-at-home mom while our children were growing up, and sometimes since then as Paul and I have been foster parents for 25 years to normal and hard-to-place children with mental and emotional problems. I have been an educational surrogate for most of them. Most of the children we have had, have been long-term placements that stayed 2-3 years. We have had age ranges from straight from the hospital nursery to 14 years of age. We have been foster parents to 25-30 children. Over the years, I have become convinced that the biggest needs of these children (and all of us) are loads of love, respect, discipline, and the Lord Jesus. At present, I am spending the summer babysitting 2 granddaughters, ages 5 and 8, and caring for a foster daughter, age nearly 9. So I am involved with swim team, T -ball, and afternoon storytime and naps with the 5 year old. Paul and I have fanned all our 39 years of marriage. Paul also works for the IRS in the winter, and this year, he will be working there year round plus farming. We have a very ordinary life, but a very blessed one. We consider children our ministry. Time has changed us, but we are so blessed to be able to do the ordinary daily things, hand in hand, serving the Lord together .