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Tiskilwa High School

"1968" Graduate

Marie Susan Morris (Brokaw)

On the left is my graduation picture

On the right is a more recent photo

         Address       568 W Villa Drive
         City             Bowling Green
         State            Kentucky
         Zip Code     42101
         Phone         270-843-8767(h) or                            800-882-7482(w-WKU)

         Information about me:          

I have been in Kentucky since 1978, so I do have a little southern accent mixed with the north now! I am employed at Western Kentucky University as a Staff Assistant in the department of Training and Technical Assistance Services. We are also known as the Head Start Region IV Quality Improvement Centers, serving currently 8 southeastern states with trainings and technical assistance to Head Start and Early Head Start programs. I am mainly in charge of our consultant pool and do get to travel to some of the training conferences. I have done a couple of presentations myself - in Health/Wellness. I am a part-time instructor for The Bowling Green Community College, I have been teaching a wellness course since 1986, mainly for seniors (they keep me young! - ha! ha!). I have two grown sons, Stan (32) and Jeff (30) Taylor, and a four month old granddaughter (Jeff and financee April's baby), Madisyn Taylor. I have a foster son, Tim Clark (29) and he has two daughters, Allison (7) and Payton (2). We all live in Bowling Green KY. I have a "significant" other of twelve years who teaches computer science at Tennessee State University - Nashville which is about an hour drive from BG. In my spare time, I sing and play percussion (congas, bongos, flute, and other noise makers) in three local bands. A rock band that plays covers and original music - The OutSkirts, we have been together since mid 80's. Also I am in a fairly new trio of two years - Lost River. We play folk, celtic,traditional ballads, etc. (check out our website at for pics etc.) The OutSkirts have two Cd's out - "Running From the Rescue" and "Unraveled". I also sing with a friend (Artie Johnson)occassionally- we call ourselves - Just Us. With sometimes friends sitting in with us. I was fortunate to sing back up vocals on Arties original music Cd - "Munforville". I recently did back up vocals and one lead song on another friend's (Bill Green-better known as Banjo Bill around here) Cd project - titled "Bowling Green". I sang back ups on another friend's (Clark Cannon) Cd project - "Light of Day", a personal more religious CD due to his recovery from cancer. Clark was one of the past drummers of the band Lender Be (which later became the OutSkirts). Anybody need any music - Cds or "live". We aren't toooooo expensive! I attend Faith United Methodist Church and sing in the choir there and I am the Drama Instructor as well. I love theater and belong to our local community theater group - Fountain Square Players. I have directed and acted in several plays over the past several years. Nothing very recent I must add, but hopefully next year. I run an "open" mic night at a local restaurant everyother Tuesday. I live on what we call a small farm, 6 acre! s, We have two dogs (Ripp & Smokey) and three cats (morris, Circle and Square). I think that about does it for most of the "main" things going on about me right now. I get "home" to Illinois about two times a year and with my "big" BROKAW family I don't get to see THS friends very much at all, would love to hear from anyone via email or snail mail or phone ( ask for Susan or Susie (as the family folks call me) - nobody knows me as Marie in these parts - ha ha!). God Bless you All and your families!