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Tiskilwa High School

"1988" Graduate

Tami Patterson (Brokaw)

On the left is my graduation picture

On the right is a more recent photo

         Address       *
         City             Plano
         State            Illinois
         Zip Code     60545
         Phone         *

         Information about me:          

Hello everyone. Where to begin??? I married July 2000 to Kevin Patterson with whom I have been with for 12 years now. With this marriage came three wonderful step children. We look forward to starting a family of our own. We both work for Wal~Mart Supercenter here in Plano, IL. Kevin is in Mgt. and I have recently taken over day receiving. This is my forth store I have worked in for the company and they are how we ended up in Plano. We really like the area and are not to far from family and friends. I look forward to hearing all about what everyone has been up to and where you have all ended up. :o)