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By. R.J.

Yes! It's another year for Trinity news and us. Back on Feb. 1st. 1996 Trinity news came out with its first edition: The first Story in that paper was ::: Story by R.J. The first story... For me it was about four months ago, as I was staying in my car in the fair city of CARPENTERSVILLE. I would often stay by the park. I thought of starting a paper and calling it the Bicycle path free press. Later when it got colder, I moved to the Elgin area. One night when I was staying at P.A.D.S. another gentleman started talking to me about a friend and himself thinking of starting a paper. This was in the same line of thought that I’ve been in for awhile. So I agreed to have morning coffee at Mc' Donald’s to talk and perhaps put something together. We came up with a name, what we wanted to do with it, and how we would do it. That night we took our thoughts to several people, and to our surprise it was received with good favor, We also knew that it would not be easy, being homeless and no funds to think about. This task could not happen over night. That’s how all this started to take shape, The three of us would put stories in and learn the hard way, how to run a small paper........

By R.J....

Trinity news will be a paper, written and produced by the homeless Community, About how we have to survive in this new age. Stories about individuals in our community. Giving the reader a better understanding on how we have to live. We hope to show the creativeness of our people. By displaying poems, art, and creative writing and reporting. Want Ads that not only list jobs for the homeless, But list people and what work they can do so they can obtain jobs. TRINITY NEWS Will sell space for ads, this we hope will pay for the printing cost of the paper. A percentage will go into a fund to help our fellow residents. Trinity News is a paper that shows that we need to get things done, and the keys to obtain it. The homeless people have the solution to their problems. But have failed to get the tools to obtain it. With this paper we hope that lots of homeless people will get a fresh start, to get their lives on the right path. With a little help from US (THE HOMELESS COMMUNITY) And a little help from the Churches (GODS COMMUNITY) Then A little help from the people (WORKING COMMUNITY) The problems will at least start to end. With GODS help... Also we will be able to begin answering some of your questions about us. To bridge that river called understanding. And perhaps together, work to make this country whole again! That was only 5 years ago, And we will continue to try to get things going for the home less community, Our web site is now 68 pages. And we are picking up stories from all over the country. And we march on, another year.

Is Our Thriving Society Mindful of Our Homeless Populace?

November 6, 1997 Part #4
BY Dawn Johnson

Northwest Suburban P.A.D.S., P.O. Box 902, Arlington Heights, IL 60006, is guided by Kristina Perry, Executive Director. There are now 22 site locations under their umbrella located in Arlington Heights, Barrington, Buffalo Grove, Des Plaines, Elk Grove Village, Mt. Prospect, Palatine, Prospect Heights, Schaumburg, Streamwood and South Barrington. P.A.D.S.’ goal is to provide hospitality, food and shelter to the homeless from October 1st through April 20th each year. The staff consists of volunteers who prepare and serve meals and offer a friendly smile in a safe environment. The people utilizing the services of these sites are referred to as "guests" and are treated accordingly with compassion and dignity. In July of 1997 the Elgin P.A.D.S., under the Directorship of Karen Blatt, was in the midst of seeking a new site location since they lost their extended lease at the Salvation Army. She met much opposition from the community residents on the Southeast side of Elgin. She deemed this particular building the perfect facility for the 1997-1998 winter months. This area was already overly stressed with houses, businesses, apartment buildings and industry. Some Elginites were highly compassionate when it came to understanding that the homeless need a place to receive assistance, however the overwhelming "word" was that they did not want this shelter in "their" neighborhood. Above and beyond the resistance from the neighborhood associations, Elgin P.A.D.S. had to receive approval from the "Conditional Use Zoning Board" since the desired site was within the confines of an industrial complex and would be utilized for human occupancy. The attempt failed. The next step was to approach the Elgin City Council who turned down the proposed shelter, leaving the homeless without a local refuge from the impending cold winter months. Although there are six "soup kitchens" within the walls of local churches, they are not zoned to accommodate showers nor sleeping quarters for the indigent sufferers. Elgin P.A.D.S., did, however, manage to facilitate opening the doors for twenty over-night quests. Their average guest total was sixty-five unduplicated guests, per night, in previous years. Now they are only able to assist less than one-third of this number that is not even close to the multitudes that are still experiencing the cold, heartless streets. It is very difficult for those who are compassionate to refuse entry to even one guest. At the time they P.A.D.S. had the Salvation Army site, due to occupancy restrictions, they had to turn people away. In our world of high-technology, industrial advancement and extended education, one would wonder why we still have not learned to accommodate our poor to the utmost. When the homeless are turned away due to over-crowding of a site, some of them pray to be found by the police who will buy them a bus ticket, sending them to Rockford homeless shelters. These locations are also overly populated. Continued next month.

This month Something different
By Joyce

I thought that I would Do something different,
a poem that I had found.

By Unknown

Hold your loved ones close today,
Whisper in there ear,
Tell them that you love them,
And you'll always hold them Dear.
For tomorrow is promised no one,
Young and old alike,
And today may be your last chance,
To hold your loved one Tight.

Thank You,
With Love
Pager 868-8730 Email address



It truly feels good that in life,
One can seek and sometimes wonder.
I met this young lady and she,
Seems to touch me in a way none has in such a very long time.
I can't say that it's in her look,
Or even in her smile,
But it's there all awhile.
I would like to call her Dear Love.
But that would not be right.
For she may not wish to be,
Part of this.
So I'll move slow not to play That he man role.
For this I'm not.
I'll just be me.
Perhaps she'll like what she sees.
To have a base of Understanding to build on.
Whether it be a friendship Or relationship.
This we must keep open and see.
And in wonder I'll see.
Keep it open to understand and be.

By R.J.

You asked me to tell you.
The things I love about you.
So if you are ready.
Kick off your shoes as I began.
I love the way you touch my shoulder.
As I set in the chair.
The way you hold me close,
When I feel sad.
I love the way you don't answer my questions.
That gets me so upset.
I love the way you get angry,
But the quiet treatment will pass.
I love the way you look at me.
As in a sleep.
I love the way you look at me.
After that wink you dread.
I love the way you touch me.
In that special way.
I love your arms about me.
Every single day.
I love the way you say.
I miss you!
It's been a nice day.
But right now I miss you.
And you seem so very far away!


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