if any of these images i have used here are copyrighted,and they belong to you,let me know and i will remove them asap,all these sigs contain music and or wavs,some sigs may load faster than other ones if sig loads and theres nothing there because it took a while to load..please re-load page.These Sigs Load Fast When Put In Emails, please be patient...thank you...if music on the sigs dont play shortly after they load,hold down cmd and hit R 4 or 5 times to re-load page and the music will play..MAKE SURE CODES ARE AT THE TOP OF SIG BOX OR THESE CODES WILL NOT WORK,I HAVE TESTED ALL THESE SIGS AND THEY ALL WORK FINE..THANK YOU
Teddy Bear Mom
Pretty Fairy
Peace Dove
Titanic At Night
Beware The Raven
Need A Ride?
Gothic Girl
Kiss(The Band)
Whazz Up?
Apple Of My Eye
My GuestPAD
Be Sure To Visit Sigs By Junior 2,3,4 and 5...Click Links On Bottom Of Third Page...Thank You...Junior
On To Page 2
Email: webman-40@webtv.net