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Jesus My Lord

I remember the exact Sabbath day not too long ago
That I gave my Lord Jesus my heart to forever keep
It was a day so precious and sacred and wonderful
It was a memorable day that was also so very deep.

Over two thousand years before, Jesus was living his days
Our Lord Jesus was crucified for all of our damning sins
He was so wonderful to save us from the fires of Hell,
And believing in Him, all of our sins are thankfully forgiven.

Back in 1997, I sadly lost my Grandma Virt and best friend
They're in Heaven at this moment rejoicing and praising today
And when Jesus calls your name and says it's your time to go,
You'll see all of your friends who have already passed away.

Heaven is a wonderful, friendly place to always want to be
When you're in Heaven you are always so happy and free
You'll be happy you're in a heavenly place that's so fine
And Heaven’s peace and happiness are a sure guarantee

And as I await my day and hour that will always be unknown,
Without doubt, I must always trust and obey and serve my Lord
Jesus Christ is so sweet to save all his children from Hell’s fiery
And as his spiritual daughter, I must always trust his every word.