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Mother's Day Poem With Love

M others are a wonderful gift from our great Father above
O utstanding in all of your ways, you always have a lot of love
T here are times that we quarrel, but you are always there
H elping your family, and always showing how much you care.
E ast Peoria First United Methodist is where you met our dad
R aising a family, and taking all the good times with the bad
S ticking to your values, you always put your family first in line

D ad and you love us unconditionally, you are so loving and kind
A mother who always finds ways to always keep herself busy
Y ou go to church, have your nails done, and go to basket bees

P lanning fun parties for loved ones when someone is a success
O utgoing in all that you strive to do; Mom, you’re truly the best.
E ven with all our quarrels, I know that you’ll never leave me alone
M om, I know you love me, and I know I can always come home.

W ith each day, I thank my Lord for a wonderful mom like you
I n our family, there are countless things that you love to do
T oday, I thank Jesus for a mother with plenty of everlasting love
H ere’s to a wonderful mother, from the great Father up above.

L oving all of your family is what you have always done the best
O f all the other mothers that I know, you are nothing like the rest
V ery friendly, loving, caring, honest, and always striving to succeed
E verlasting love from my special mother is what I’ll always need.