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My Name Poem

J ournalism is her major in college; she decided to follow her heart
E ditor of a newspaper or magazine is what she would like her career in life
N arrative poetry is what she likes to write the most; they're the most fun to write
N ews magazines are among her favorite to read
I nspiration can strike anywhere; so many good ideas make good poems
F amily is something that means a great deal to her; she is blessed to have a wonderful family
E ighteen-wheelers scare her when she's driving; she has many fears a semi will run into her car, causing her death
R acism is an issue that she deeply cares about, somehow it has to come to an end

E lectronic sources via the Internet are most of the sources she uses for her poetry and stories she writes in her spare time
L aughter is something she has to get used to doing again; she's under too much stress
I nternet Explorer is one of her favorite web browsers to use
Z ooms through her homework to allow more time to write
A ccidents in a car is what she's afraid of when she's driving, especially on the interstate
B eing a college student, her bookbag is usually heavy with textbooks
E nglish is her favorite subject in school
T akes seizure medicine to keep herself healthy
H has many goals that she hopes to be able to achieve during her lifetime

B elieves that everyone should go after their dreams and accomplish them
R eading others' poetry is often a favorite pastime for her
O ften likes to try different kinds of writing and many topics
W as shy, but is beginning to come out of her shell
N ew York is a place she would like to visit; maybe making her career there