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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Friday, 17 September 2004
Blah Blah Blog
Mood:  don't ask

The past couple of weeks have been crazy to say the least! Between hurricane's, seperating from my husband, moving, working, etc...I'm going crazy. I don't have a computer anymore so the only way to keep up with this is at work. I realize how I take for granted having the internet. I miss my kitties and my step-daughter but I still feel very positive about my decision to leave. I am soul searching and learning me again. It's all just so damn bittersweet. I hope everyone affected by the hurricanes is doing alright.

Ciao for now,
Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:15 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 September 2004 - 10:46 AM EDT

Name: BratCat

good to hear from you again koolmama. sneak us an update now and then during your lunch/coffeebreak! good luck with stuff.


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