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Monday, 8 January 2007
The First 100 Hours
Just a Quick Update of what the new Congress has passed withing the first 100 hours.

Spending Bill -- Friday, January 5
Congress voted to enforce budget restrictions under the PAYGO Rule, which essentially stops deficit growth by allowing no new spending if it would add to the deficit. If additional spending or tax cuts are to be implemented, there must be corresponding cuts in government spending or tax increases to account for the rise in the deficit. Now Bush will unlikely be able to extend his tax-cuts-to-the-rich program.

Security Bill -- vote expected on Jan 9 or 10
A vote to uphold all the 9/11 Commission's recommendations and implement all recommendations, not just the select few implemented by the Republican Congress.

Lobbying Bill -- voted and passed 430-1 in the House on Jan 4
Bill bans lawmakers from accepting gifts, free trips and discounted flights from lobbyists. A critical first step in reducing political corruption within the Congress.

Minimum Wage -- vote expected Jan 9 or 10
A bill to ensure a raise in the minimum wage by restricting a pay hike in Congressional Pay... essentially no raise for our Congressmen unless there is a raise for the working American.

Higher Education
House voted expected on Jan 17 to reduce interest rates (by roughly 50%) on student loans in order to increase college graduate numbers.

Health Care
House vote expected on Jan 12 or 13 to lower prescription drug prices for seniors.

House vote expected on Jan 17 or 18 to cut multibillion-dollar subsidies for big oil companies and increased funding and support for renewable and alternative energy sources.

All I can hope is that bipartisanship takes hold of this new Congress and they work with Bush and the future President to make this a stronger nation.

Posted by ill/communication84 at 11:07 AM EST
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