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Tuesday, 16 November 2004
The South: America's Jock Itch
Now, I'm not one to condemn the United States, but I have to say that when I came across this site I was not only taken aback by the statistical relevance but also experienced a revelation of sorts.

You see, the south - and by south I really mean the Uber-Christian, shotgun toting', hillbilly folk of the Midwest and deep south who assert that they are the only real Americans in this country - has contributed to America's culture and well being in a positive light.

Of course, I am referring to the great historical and contemporary achievements of the south - country music, the Civil War, an increasing influx of illegal immigrants, vast quantities of corn and wheat, and the passion of college sports surpassed only by their domination over the physical abilities of black athletes while maintaining a crippling education system.

I blame the south's ancestor's for the present day dismal shape of American culture and politics - if only they had understood that enslaving people is wrong - and instead of spending their hard earned (and by hard-earned I am referring to their fantastic ability to drive out Native Americans and claim a section of land for their own) money on more slaves, used it to pay for the labor they were so graciously given.

I guess the Christian Coalition is right.... Americans (I mean white men with land) are the sole heirs to His Kingdom and we must do everything we can to make His (or our interpretation of) vision a reality.

So we, as Northerners, are forced to pay high taxes while reaping few of the benefits all because America has an red itch in its crotch and has to continually buy ointment to cool it off!

We, as Americans, can do better - honestly! C'mon Forrest and Bubba, I know you guys can do something worthwhile for your country.... I believe in you!

Also, in an unrelated post, I would like to refer you to AIM Screen name "Jakified" question: Is assisted suicide unconstitutional? Expect a response shortly, Jake.

Posted by ill/communication84 at 3:12 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 3:19 PM EST
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Sunday, 14 November 2004
The Most Addicting Online Game Ever
This game is called "Squares" and you can find it at Ebaumsworld. It is incredibly addicting and never-ending, much like the "helicopter game" at Ebaumsworld.

My High Score is 16,780 so far.... try to beat that!

Here's a link to Squares:

And just for the hell of it, Helicopter

Posted by ill/communication84 at 11:14 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 November 2004
John Kerry's Concession
I don't care what the red states say: it takes a real man of courage to realize the difference between continuing the good fight and shooting the horse. John Kerry made the correct decision to concede the election to George Bush at 2 PM on November 3rd.

Mathematically, he would have needed a miracle to occur for a victory in Ohio. Behind 135,000 votes and with only 155,000 provisional ballots (90% of which would be approved) and no more than 20,000 recount votes Mr. Kerry would have needed an outstanding majority to even come close to win Ohio.

Senator Kerry's speech is available here In Text Form or for the audio, click Here.

To all those who said that conceding was something only "a bitch" would do, I may point out your ignorance in the mathematical possibilities for Kerry winning Ohio.

Posted by ill/communication84 at 12:01 AM EST
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Monday, 28 June 2004
Day One
Today is June 28th 2004. This is the first blog entry ever. Once I get the site up and running I'll try to post at least once a week at the minimum.

Also because I know there will be arguements in the future let me set a few facts staight right now. As of today the following are true:

I am voting for John Kerry.
I believe there is a God.
I think a Saddamless Iraq is a good thing.
But I don't like the way the US went about it.
Blue is the offical color of communism.
The Beastie Boys make the best music.
Any movie with Vin Disel will inevitably suck.
Delivering flowers is a very masculine occupation.

Posted by ill/communication84 at 5:57 PM EDT
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