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Strains of the Ebola Virus

So far, there have been four known strains of the Ebola virus. Only three of them (Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, and Ebola Tai) have been known to infect humans.

Ebola Zaire- This was the first known occurance of the virus and was recognized in Zaire in 1976.

Ebola Sudan- First recognized in Sudan in 1976, it resurfaced in Sudan again in 1979.

Ebola Tai- This is the most recently recognized strain of Ebola, surfacing in the Tai Forest on the Ivory Coast of Western Africa in 1995.

Ebola Reston- The only strain not yet discovered in humans, it was brought to the United States of America with imported African monkeys. It is also the only strain suspected to be airborne (transmitted through the air).