This is just the beginning of a long line of names that I've come across that are just not suitable to name your child. A few may not seem all that evil to you, but put yourself in your child's shoes and think about it really hard for a split second.
Satan, Lucifer, Devil,...ect.-C'mon people, you know what that's gonna do to him. Never, ever name your child any form of the Dark Prince's name. For one, the devil is a disgrace to evil, with his gay ass. Two, he's either gonna get his ass kicked at school (which you actually need to be the one carrying the ass kicking..), or, he'll have everyone in the school laying waste to the playground or some dumb kid shit... Don't do it.
Kimmy Amanda Humpfer-Free..-Say it aloud friends.. Now, I don't think I need to stress how important it is not to give your child this name. She is going to be teased and later will live up to it. Instead, let that nice guy at "Backdoor Video" give her the exact same name 17 years later when she starts her new film career... Isn't it weird that you both came up with the same name 17 years apart. Be proud she's so pretty, your co-workers will be....
Iaana Humpeu-Same as above.
Adolf-Not only is your child going to be beaten senselessly day in and out, which must be the same way you got your mentality, but his name will be Adolf... I mean, shit, how stupid a name is that? Sweet Christ...
Jesus, Christ, Ect...-Alright, it sounds cool when the Mexicans say Jesus, but our version sounds like echoes in a guano-filled bat cave...crap..
Hunter Chase Byrd-Alright, I'll agree, it's funny. In fact, you've got my blessing on this one. It'll add some fun once a year if you have the birthday cake done someplace different every time.
Hectormunozrobertoalejandro-If you can't pronounce it, chances are neither can your child. Like before, Mexicans are allowed to name their child this particular name. Why? Because translated to English it probably means "Jack". Mexican's don't waste words, they know what they're doing. Mucho luv to the Mexicans!!!
Never name boys Tracy, Leslie, Shannon, Ashley and Marion. And vise-versa, girls named Sam, Pat and Jesse-A name will not give your child the certain organs, or lack thereof, that you want them to have. Most likely, it will either cause them to become lesbian, gay, or go Columbine...
Spanky-Personally, I don't know anybody who would have that much hatred in their feeble little souls, but just in case, NEVER name your child after a Little Rascal. What's sad is they each used their real name in that show, so I know people have the audacity.
Tupac-Definately not an evil name, in fact, I hold it above all others. But let's face it, you're not worthy. Neither are your kids, and EVERYBODY knows it. There are people out there right now who would promptly hunt you down and kill you, and I'll pay for their plane tickets....
Sigfred or Roy-If I were your child I would kill you. 1. Sigfred is the most homosexual name in the whole world, aside from Adolf, and 2. Roy is something that Billy Bob and Lynette would name their Insested spawn of hillbilly hell. PREVENT INCEST; BAN COUNTRY MUSIC!!!
More to Come later..Keep checking in....