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ShOuT Outs

MEGAN- OMG! Gurlie you are the shit....I love ya to death......Your so funny.....You make me laugh all the time.....I will never forget the times walking to the park for gym....that was fun....Luv ya XoXoXo
TALIA- Hunnie u r the greatest person in the whole world. Your like the funnist person I know.. I cant believe we get away with half the things we do.. Your just too much, I love u so much hun.
ATHENA- So many good memz with u gurl...Like at ur old camp (when u saw Andres n tried to hide.. haha that was funny)...U know what?.... Fuck u!...B.F.F for
KASSIE- I love u so much. We have Tonz of memz, just can't remember them all, there's to many.
LUC- Haha ur one funny person.I love u!(as a friend) haha ur funny when ur drunk....Hahaha Turcotte rolled in my grass n there was a patch missing.. Ur so wried.. I don't know what to say so... yah!
PENNO- U r so funny....I don't have any memz with u.. we should make some..
AUNTIE KYLIE- I love u so much hun.. to the moon n back... Bisexual forever!~ Love ya
MIKE.G.-U r so funny..So many good memz..There are u happy now??? I put u in my shout outs..
MIKKI- *does little dance*.. *Cough*.. Hahaha hun u r so funny... Hhahahaha good times good times! I should try n hook u up with Jorden...MAN! hes sexy! lol.. Love ya..Dairy Challenge.. I beat u twice... I love ya gurl to the moon n back... Pat n Tom r wannabe's hahaha...
KRYSTA-A moped with farie wings...LOL.. hahaha u r so funny gurl.. I love u so much...SCARP!!
CHARLENE-Chickie.. Your so awsome!! Gotta get drunk together more often..Luv ya gurlie
CHANTEL-K well first of all. Get your ass back home.. I miss you so much and all the nights we would stay up and just laugh.. Yeah I love ya gurlie so much..
FELICHA- I hope I spelt ur name right... or that would be uncool... Ur really funny.... I don't really know u all that much so.. I can't say we have memz... so ya..... Love ya..
TASHA- HaHaHa Your so funny....We have some memz but not that many.....More to come though.....
ANGEL- Omg!! Your the best.....One day you will beat the shit outa Kurtis....Some memz And hopefuly more to come.....
ANDREW- So many good memz.....I love ya...Ur one funny person..I dont know what the hell to putt but the meaning is there....... love ya lots.
NADINE- Hahahah Gurl so many memz... Thanks for always being there for me... I will never forget the crazy times... LoL.... Love ya!!..
KURTIS- Geeze...simmer down there killer......Well I will never forget the times we would take walks and take pics too.....LoLz some of those pics were funny...Eh Kurt...."Paintballing"...HaHaHaHa...Poor you....Im sorry you have to put up wiht that.....Well lots of memz and more to come....

And To All Those I Did Forget.. Plz Just Ask Me If You Want Me To Put You In Here And I Wont Have A Probblem. Thnx And Love You All!!!