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MaD² Guild Application
Resident AccomMADation's:
n. 1) Room, cell, box or cage at the Lab.

Resident App

Cut and paste into an email to: Lydia DaWintre.
Please title the email “MaD² Lab App”. If you have any questions, please make an appointment(email).

-Out Of Character-for Dr. M. Demented's eyes only-

How did you find out about MaD²?
Who recruited you?:
If a current member told you, are they still living?
Are you sure?
What is their current location?
Have you checked their pulse?
Real Age:
How long have you been role playing?
Email Address:

-In Character-
Current Pic of Charrie:


Type Of Creature:

Blood Type:

Next of kin (who to notify in case you die in horrific science project involving a circular saw and a jaw of pickles.)

Threshold of pain?:

Medication you take:

Medication you are allergic to:

Instruments that you like(medical or other):

Tolerance Levels:

Skillz- Powers the Character can perform:

Threshold of pain?:


Tattoos or other distinguishable marks that could identify your body:

Burial Ceremony Choices (Check all that apply):
Cremation ¸
Coffin ¸
Burial at Sea ¸
Other, please specify:
Religious Attendant:
Priest ¸
Rabbi ¸
High Priestess ¸
Other, please specify:
Gardenias ¸
Roses ¸
Carnations ¸
Other, please specify:

Coffin Colors:
Black ¸
White ¸
Magenta ¸
Other, please specify:

Medical history (Tale):

Jobs:(Choose One)
°Nurse's Assistant:
°Lab Rat:
°Flower Care-taker:

-MaD² Rules-
1. Bring the Doctor a potion once a month.
2. Give Nurse Hatchet blood samples once a week.
3. Bring a flower to Lydia daily.
4. No pinching or pouncing Lydia unless concent form given by her.
Sign here: -(Name)-