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James Green


Hello All!!!

My name is James Green. I am 61 years old and am dying of terminal colorectal cancer. I have been totally disabled for a number of years and I have no life OR health insurance. Since my diagnosis two years ago, I have accrued quite a large debt. Also, I do not know how my family is going to pay my final expenses.

I firmly believe the Lord helps those who help themselves. However, with my physical disabilities, there is not much I can do other than write. My wife, bless her soul, tries really hard to help, however she too is poor in health.

This is where you come in. I am doing what I can by putting together this website. I am a proud man, and I do not beg. However I am not too proud to ask for help when I need it. Please believe me when I say I really do need your help.

If anyone has ever helped you when you've needed it, please consider helping me. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,
James M. Green

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