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The Oddisee

"Will I be famous?"
"Where are my keys?"
"Will I die today?"
All knows the Oddisee.

She types in a question
Waits for a reply
Soon one will come,
But the Oddisee is sly.

Here is the answer,
But it's not what you wanted.
But the answer is is,
The Oddisee taunted.

Next question
The Oddisee knows
You want something else
Not ribbons and bows.

An answer is displayed
For your eyes to see
You smile and lean back
Sigh in relief.

This contraption
Smarter than you
Programed for future
To tell only truth.

So she redid it
Programed it to lie
To ask questions back
So your hopes will die.

Into the future
The Oddisee looks
More knowledge than you
More knowledge than books

One more question
Luck is on your side
Until the answer comes
Uncertain as the tide.

"Ask again later tonight"
Then you'll clearly know
When it comes December
"When will it snow?"

© Mindy Aitken
