To print enlarged picture,click on the buffalo.
Letter from Raven to the Family: Let the Wrath Fall Wherever it May!
Statement Under Duress: For the Record By Cheryl Lynn Gardner, a/k/a Summer Breeze Written during court trial on Michigan 2002 citation 36 C.F.R. 261.10(k)
Healing Wounded Knee Project
Exciting news: Idaho Tribe being birthed!!! In the Pocatello region, southeastern Idaho. To be announced soon! Consensus reached on the name: Emerald Village Tribe At the gatherings, one kitchen will be the Shady Village Cafe. Other kitchens can join the tribe, but consensus is to keep "village" central in each kitchen's name. To join the counsel, send an email to
Exciting news! Some folks with our tribe are networking with and plugging into The White Buffalo Farm in Paonia, Colorado. Watch for exciting updates from their experiences on the farm. We are all excited about being so close to the annual gathering in Colorado in 2006!
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