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Im sure if your on this site right now that had a drink or two before and did you like it or not vote whats better the herb or the alchohol . if your a drinkir click on cacations to get some idea how to spice up your drinks

p.s if you guys are listening to me your as much of a stupid shit as i am .

Although weed makes you stupid as shit its still can be fun it'll keep youlaughin' all nite if its some good shit but this shits illeagul unless you want to move to main there you can grow up to six oz's of pure pot thats 390 dollars worth of weed yo,now if you get board with the jays,L's,bongs and bowls, thn try some of these ideas,order a pizza and use that shit like oregno , another good idea would be like get funnel and like drop maybe a halve of nick in there then swallow it with some hard liquor(dont eat to much you might get sick ,but hey you'll be drunk so like who cares)