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Me, Myself and David Bowie

It's been over a year now since I first discovered the music, and person, of David Bowie, and I find myself still madly in love with him. It may not seem like it, but a year is a long time, and a year is an especially long time when it comes to me keeping a passion for a celebrity still kindling.

Not that since last May I've only been a burning fire of passion for David Bowie. Sometimes that fire died out, and I'd lose interest in him. But, I guess, there's always some life left in the ashes of that fire, because it always seems to find a way to blaze right back up again just a strong as before.

Which leads me to ask the questions. Why David Bowie? Do I even like him? Am I even an actual fan? Am I insane for spending up ridicilous late nights watching his videos with my heart tearing up inside of me? Am I?!

There's just something about him that is entirely sensual, his seductive voice, funny teeth, bendy legs, his sado-maso sexuality. When he hams it up for the camera, running his hands up through his hair, then slowly letting it fall back in place, it's all I can do to not let shivers run through my body. And his eyes kill me.

Though it's not as if most everyone finds him to be so sexually attractive. The majority of adults I meet seem devestated by the fact that someone my age likes David Bowie, that David Bowie didn't kind of just disappear forever as they got older. Because it doesn't matter that David Bowie has a wife and a little daughter, it wouldn't matter if he started covering old easy-listening classics for a hobby and started his own friendly little-kiddy show, he still makes people damn uncomfortable. I've been persecuted, sometimes by my own family for liking him. Which, can be awkwardly strange, but somehow it just makes the whole allure of David Bowie even more tempting. He's like that little something you know you shouldn't be doing, but doing it just makes it more delicious.

So, do I like David Bowie? Am I a fan? I don't know. I really don't. But I do know one thing, I know that no one will ever be able to sexually fullfill me as David Bowie could. Yes, that's right. Just listening to his voice gives me more pleasure than kissing any ordinary guy does. Just looking at a picture of him is a thrill. I'm not even interested in dating, because of him. He drives me up the wall, and I have no choice but to keep it all inside... Just imagining his hands on my body... You know, I would probably just die , if I ever met him in real life.

So, am I insane? Dammit, maybe I am! Maybe I am! But I just like to think that I'm a little bit in love.