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Nel terzo mistero glorioso si considera la Pentecoste

  • God:

    I told her.

  • Lucifer:

    You told her what?

  • God:

    That Peter told you that she would put the keys of her brother’s house in an envelope and like a humble lamb she will put them on top of the altar.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    I also told her about...

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Let’s just say that I showed her...

  • Lucifer:

    Will you come to the point?

  • God:

    In good time, Lucifer, in good time. Have patience. But patience is not one of your qualities. Is it Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    You are making me angry.

  • God:

    O Lucifer, anger is not what I advocate. You should know that Lucifer. It is written all over the Bible.

  • Lucifer:

    She gets angry too.

  • God:

    Of course she does. But she has reason too. She has a devil on her back, while you...

  • Lucifer:

    While I...

  • God:

    Well you are the devil, therefore you should be nice and composed, besides as you well say, you have got every thing under control don’t you? If she gets a call from a perspective employer, it is only an ambush from you… So what are you so angry about?

  • Lucifer:

    What have you showed her?

  • God:

    Let’s just say that I showed her, her previous office. She saw something strange was going on... She saw John making folders disappear... one by one... and she was saying 'why is he doing that...' and then

  • Lucifer:

    And then...

  • God:

    She saw the office empty... not a shred of paper work... do you know what I mean? Not a shred.

  • Lucifer:

    What does that have to do with me?

  • God:

    A lot. She has already told the world that you are in it. And I have news for you. The world believes in it. You covered things well, for now... but only for now, Lucifer.

  • Lucifer:

    What are you talking about?

  • God:

    The good explanation you gave to the people who should be involved. Yes, I made her hear what you said to them, how you covered your traces, but tell me?...

  • Lucifer:

    Tell you what?

  • God:

    You are preparing him, aren’t you?

  • Lucifer:

    Preparing him for what?

  • God:

    Well, she was there from September, surely you understand that she knows the problem that he is running into...

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Will you cover him then? or will you wash your hands? or are you preparing him for his down fall...? Or are you telling him that his father will pay his debts? just as her brother went around saying that what his sister and brother have is actually his and will pay his debt? HAVE I CREATED PARASITES, LUCIFER, HAVE I?

  • Lucifer:

    I have told you I do not know the man?

  • God:

    She saw something else, besides the files disappearing...

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    There was a heater, and she was cold. So she was about to plug the heater on... little Peter is still having a say, it looks like.

  • Lucifer:

    She will come to me.

  • God:

    So, are you still saying that little Peter doesn’t know you and you don’t know him? Or did he try to prepare the bride for the devil helped by the good priests and district superintendent and English staff teachers and her two married brothers along with cousins and all? It is amazing what the smell of money can do to people. "Il miglior vino s`e` fatto aceto" wrote her brother, and now she calls him a hypocrite.

  • Lucifer:

    So she does know... She has to marry me, whether I know her or not, I have the blessing of every body...

  • God:

    You didn’t have the blessing of her mother... that is why you killed her. You didn`t have the blessing of her father, that is why you killed him. You do not have her blessing, and if she doesn’t give you her blessing, neither will I. What say you to that, Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    I hate you.

  • God:

    That is no news to me. Do try to be more original. I do not like repetitions much. And you keep on repeating and repeating... staff that you shouldn’t be involved in... remember you are Greek and she is Italian... you know nothing about her, and she knows nothing about you... and you are talking second hand pure nonsense.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    By the way let’s talk about the time of the abortion, which is one of your ballooned argument in your secret meetings? Has anybody gone out there to check the facts, or did they just believe you as you speak?

  • Lucifer:

    People do believe in me.

  • God:

    Yes. I know people believe in you more than the catastrophes that I send to them. When I send a catastrophe, they call it a natural cause where many good people are loosing their lives, and they do not stop there. They send scientists to investigate the cause so that they can stop the catastrophes to happen again... but when you speak ... it is gospel to them... no investigation is done... they just hang the so called culprit... whether he is or he is not.

  • Lucifer:

    I got them under my skin.

  • God:

    Yes, I know. You have invented the story of the abortion along with her sister in law. You have given evidences...

  • Lucifer:

    Stop it!

  • God:

    You will not tell God to stop it. Never Lucifer.

  • Lucifer:

    You have no right to interfere.

  • God:

    Once upon a time there was a hospital where her niece, who has the same initial of her, was taken to have her appendix done. But because there were no rooms in the hospital, she was put into a maternity ward.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    That is your evidence. Pretty weak isn’t?

  • Lucifer:

    You are despicable?

  • God:

    Now she knows why, when she went to visit her niece in hospital she was told by the nurses that her sister in law had stopped anybody from visiting her daughter. It was all your plan, wasn’t it? You were building a story there. And therefore she had to be thrown out.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Her sister in law hated her guts for having become a teacher, an accountant, a very independent woman and she wanted to nail her. And she had you to help her, little she knew that she was going instead to nail herself.

  • Lucifer:

    I do not know what you are talking about?

  • God:

    She was never in that hospital let alone any maternity ward. She never even slept with any man. If people would care to go and check it out they may find that her name could be there, but no doctor would recognise her face, nor body, let alone any big belly body or fat body as her sister in law and you are planning to make her fall into.

  • Lucifer:

    Nobody will believe you.

  • God:

    Who cares? People, who don’t believe in me, can very nicely follow you. I have no use of them, and their cancerous ideas and plans.

  • Lucifer:

    You seem to be very angry.

  • God:

    I am, Lucifer, I am.

  • Lucifer:

    Now you are scaring me.

  • God:

    You should be scared. The end of your ruling is coming. This is your final fight. Fight it well while you can.

  • Lucifer:

    But shouldn’t you be calm and composed?

  • God:

    Are you telling me not to send floods any longer? Are you telling me to stop the plagues I send to Pharaoh’s followers, are you telling me to stop turning the river water into blood?... Do you dare to give me orders, Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    I give you no orders. But you did say that you will let me rule for a while.

  • God:

    I also told you that if even only one person will turn to me, I will be there.

  • Lucifer:

    That is not freedom that you are giving me.

  • God:

    That is the freedom that you get. If people want to come to you by their own free will, I will not interfere, but you will not have my people with deceits.

  • Lucifer:

    They won’t know it is a deceipt.

  • God:

    They will. I will tell them. And if they still want to listen to you, then it is their own free will, and if they don’t listen to you, I will show up ... and I will thunderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and you shall hear my thunder.

  • Lucifer:

    They shall hear mine as well.

  • God:

    Yes, she remembers well, that day, when she was peacefully working in your offices, and she heard your thundering... Everybody trembled, it seemed almost that the whole building was coming apart. At that very moment I made her get up and go towards your office, and she saw that little Chinese man, walking out from your office, trembling...

  • Lucifer:

    She shouldn’t have been there...

  • God:

    I told you that I tell her every thing. But being an intrepid, she entered your office... and you... when you saw her... realising your blunder... trembled yourself... because you knew that she would never say yes to such a violent man...

  • Lucifer:

    It was just a mistake...

  • God:

    It is your nature, Lucifer... You command people ... and if something goes wrong ... you burn cities... entire cities.

  • Lucifer:

    She shouldn’t have been there.

  • God:

    As I said she entered your office, and she asked "Why are you so angry?".

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    You said “ the man forgot to pay my loan.”

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Go and work and make money to pay your loan. I didn’t create her to pay for your gambling errors. I said to Adam, "go out there and make your money and your piece of bread with the sweat of your forehead", I didn’t say, "go and work and give the money to gamblers or to the children of the whores that little priests go around trying to save." When you see people in need, open YOUR pockets, if you really wish to help, do not open other people’s pockets to make yourself look good. John the Baptist didn’t say to the daughter of the adulterer, "come child, we go to a good church and there we will find a good woman who comes to church every Sunday and steal her money to put it towards your education", he said "Tell your mother to stop doing what she is doing, tell your mother to mend her ways... and you, watch what you are doing." The young girl, or should I say, Jasmine dear, said "I want the head of the Baptist" and your followers gave her the head of Baptist. Of course this is what people do, what your followers do, in their spare time besides… o well whatever you do

    it`s your business.

  • Chapter 8

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