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Fatal Fury Fan Fic Story

Fatal Fury Story
"Set Back"

Joe & Andy Talk together about Mai. Joe Thinks that Andy and Mai will get married. Andy thinks that Joe was up to something. Across town Terry Bogard is walking and looking around. Terry found Mai and they talked. They where talking about Andy. Then they saw Lord Krauser. But it wasn't Lord Krauser, it was the dead corpse of Krauser. Terry was happy that he finished Krauser off at the castle. As Terry talked to Mai. Joe and Andy are looking for Terry. When they found Terry they also found Mai. Mai runs to Andy and grabs his arm and smiles. Then she lets go of Andy's arm and Mai is still happy.

Joe went ahead with Mai so Andy and Terry had a time alone. In the mean time, Joe and Mai was talking about Andy. Mai had no clue what Joe was talking about. Terry and Andy was walking along and talking about the castle of Lord Krauser. Tony came running up to Terry and said "My mom is ill, can you come?" Terry had to go, He had Andy to go get the others and meet him at the house that Tony lives in. So Terry went with Tony to see his mom.

By the time the guys got to Tony's home, his mom was feeling better to see Terry's friends and his brother Andy. They all talked about what happed in the past. When they got done Terry, Andy, and Mai leaves but Joe stayed back to talk with Tony. Joe told Tony about the wedding for Andy and Mai. Joe also asked Tony to keep it to himself. Tony went with what Joe said to him. Then Joe went to meet with the others.

Terry, Andy, Joe, and Mai went to Subway to grab a bite to eat. After a while Terry Bogard saw Kim Kaphwan come through the door. Terry told Joe that Kim is here. Joe got up and walked over to Kim. At the same time that Joe and Kim talk. Andy and Mai was also talking. Terry was enjoying his food until Joe got done talking with Kim.

When they all finished with eating, they went to see the castle. The castle had three holes (See Fatal Fury 2 & 3). Terry went over to the one hole that Krauser had fallen out of. Joe saw Terry there and went over to him. Joe talked about the fight he had with Krauser. Then he also ask if Terry can come to the wedding of Andy and Mai's.

Terry looked at Andy but Joe stop him from doing it. Joe also said to keep it to you and me. Terry went with what Joe said to him. Andy came over and told Terry that this castle is in a bad shape. Terry agree to Andy about the castle. Joe said "NO!! It is not in a bad shape it need to be worked on to be in a bad shape." Terry and Andy looked at each other with a question that they don't know what Joe was saying.

Terry went outside and sits on his bike. Andy went to Terry and asked him "What did Joe say to you?" Terry did not answer Andy. Then Terry started his bike and leaves. Andy went back inside where Joe and Mai was waiting for Terry and Andy.

Andy told Joe and Mai that Terry left on his bike. Joe started to think where did Terry went off to. Then Joe know that Terry went to the grave. When Joe got there Terry was looking at the four grave stones(Look through all Fatal Fury Movies). Lily, Terry and Andy's Father, Master Tung, and Sulia's grave stones was there. Joe walked up to Terry and said "I am sorry Terry that you lost your friends like this." Terry just stands there putting a roses at all the grave stones.

Terry put the last rose on Lily's grave but the last rose was the one that Lily gave to Terry (See Fatal Fury 1). Then Terry and Joe herd something in the trees. Terry ask if there was any one there. There was no answer to be herd. Joe looked at Terry and Terry looked at Joe.

Until they heard a laugh. Terry knew who was laughing. Terry and Joe said "Is that you Geese! Show yourself!" Then Geese dropped down behind Joe and Terry. Terry and Joe turned at Geese. At that time Terry and Joe was in their fighting stance. Geese laughed again. Then he said "You have proved yourself Terry. Nice to see you Joe. I am not here to fight you guys, but I am here to see if you knew me. I see you never did."

Terry and Joe started to run at Geese but Geese leaves the area. Then Geese said "See you guys soon! HA HA HA HA!!!!" Terry told Joe that they need to get the others and tell them about Geese. When they got to the room Andy and Mai were waiting for Terry and Joe to meet them at the Inn. Terry and Joe told them about Geese. That night Andy, Joe, and Mai went to sleep but Terry stayed up and he was thinking about Geese. "How did Geese stay alive after my finishing move?" Terry ask himself. (look at all three movies of Fatal Fury about Geese Howard)

By the time Terry fell to asleep he heard a noise in the other room. Terry gets up and runs to the door. When he open the door he saw Mai and Andy laying on the floor. Mai is on top of Andy. Mai started to say that she rolled off the bed and landed on top of Andy. Joe got up and walked over to Terry. He saw the same thing that Terry saw. Then Joe started to laugh and he fell to the floor still laughing. Terry smiled a little until Andy told Terry to stop his smilling. Mai got back on the bed and Andy went to the door. He told Joe and Terry to go back to sleep. Joe went back but he was so happy he could not got back to sleep. Terry had no problem going to sleep, he just went out like a light.

The next day when Andy got up. Joe was still laughing and waiting for Andy. "Do you have a problem Joe?" said Andy. Joe stopped laughing and said no. When Joe went to take a shower. Terry got up and went over to Andy. Andy ask Terry one more time "What did Joe say to you at the castle?" this time Terry answer Andy. "Joe is satting you and Mai in a marrage." as Terry said.

Andy told Terry that Joe needs a girl friend and Terry agrees. By the time they where talking about Joe. Mai walks in and said "Let me in on this." Both Andy and Terry said ok. Mai leaves to go shoping. Joe got out of the shower and got dress. When Joe got out of the bathroom. He looked at Andy and to his surprise Andy was happy.

Joe went over to Terry and said "You told him right!!" Terry answer Joe "Yes I did. I am sorry Joe." Then Andy walked over to Joe and said "Why are you doing this?" Joe answer "Because I like you guys together, not like being apart of the world." Andy did not like what Joe said but Joe is right.

Mai was at the store looking at stuff. By the time Mai was leaving. Andy, Terry, and Joe was waiting for Mai outside the store. Andy and Terry went in a store. Joe and Mai went walking to a chair to sit on. When Andy and Terry was in the store, they saw Blue Mary. So Andy went over and ask her if she likes to be Joe's girlfriend. Mary said to Andy that she likes to go out with him. So Andy told Terry. Terry gave a date and time to meet Joe. Andy and Terry Have set the date after the wedding. Then they leave the store being in a happy mode.

When Andy and Terry got to Mai. Andy ask "Where is Joe?" Mai had no clue where Joe went off to. Terry was looking around and heard Geese Howard laugh again. Then Terry said to Geese "Come out Geese! I know you are there!!" Geese came out and went in to his fighting stance. Terry, Mai, and Andy went in to theirs fighting stances. Then the three fighters looked behind Geese. Joe was running at Geese.

By the time Joe got close to Geese. Joe said "Hey Geese look Back!" Geese turned and gets a right cross by Joe. Geese started to fight with Joe. Andy and Terry was looking at the fight. Then they bet on who is going to win the fight. Terry bet that if Joe wins their is a wedding and Andy bet that if Geese wins. Terry dose not say anything about Mai and him. They both agree and shakes for the bet. Mai turn to Andy and Terry. Mai said "Who is getting married?" both Andy and Terry did not answer Mai's question.

The fight with Geese and Joe, was looking good for Andy until Joe went in to his Tiger Knee. Geese went down and the fight was over. Terry said to Andy "The wedding is still on!!" Andy just walked over to Joe and told him the bet that Terry and him had. Joe smile and walk over to Terry and Mai. Before Geese did die, He told Billy Kane to get rid of the castle of Krauser. Billy Kane agree to Geese that he will do it.

Five days has pasted and Andy has his wedding suit with him. Terry will be Andy's best man and Tony is the ring bearer. Mai has no clue of the wedding and joe has no clue he is going to have a girlfirend. Andy has the ring and he went to Terry to see if he needs to gave the ring to Mai. Terry and Joe said "NO!!! Not now, wait until we get our suit ok." Andy agrees to what Terry and Joe said.

When Terry and Joe was looking for a suit for the wedding. Billy Kane was right there watching Terry and Joe. Billy get so surprise he thought to stay home. He saw Terry and Joe trying to put on the suits. After getting the suits, Terry and Joe went to the castle and work on making the castle for the wedding. Billy was surpise that they are going to have a wedding at the castle. Billy knows he has to get rid of the castle but he can't get rid of it when there is going to be a wedding.

When Terry and Joe got done at the castle. They went back to Andy and told him about what they did. When Terry and Joe leaves from Andy's room they saw Mai. Mai ask Terry and Joe but all Terry and Joe did is get Mai. Mai was walking backwards as Terry and Joe was walking forwards. Then Terry said "We do not like you to see Andy right now. It dose not look good for you to see him right now." Mai knows that there is something up with Terry and Joe. When Terry and Joe put Mai in a place here she did not like to know what Terry and Joe was doing in the room that Andy was in.

By the time Andy was looking at himself. Terry walked in and told Andy that right now is the best time to tell Mai for marriage. Andy walked out to where Joe is. Joe open the door for Andy. Andy saw Mai and told her for her hand of marriage. Mai said "YES!!" When Andy and Mai walked out the door. Terry and Joe looked happy. Mai turn on to Andy and ask him "Where is the wedding going to be?" Then Joe answer "The wedding is going to be at the castle of Lord Krauser."

Mai ask "If there going to be people there?"

Joe answer "Some people are coming but I am trying to get more to come."

Terry and Andy went to the castle to see where Andy and Mai are going to stand at the wedding. Andy find a place for Mai and him. Terry is ok with the setting that Andy wanted. When Terry and Andy walk out of the castle they saw Robert Garcia. They ask Robert if he want to the go to the wedding. He said yes to come for the wedding. Then Terry and Andy went to find Joe and Mai.

Terry and Andy find Joe standing outside the wedding store and waiting for Mai to get done. Andy went in to see what was keeping Mai. Mai came out from the back room and Andy's mouth is wide open. Mai was wearing her wedding gown. Mai walked over to Andy and said "That is one way you can catch flies." Then Andy close his mouth. Andy went out to Terry and said "She looks good. I could not say anything to her."

Terry ask "Why could you to her that she looked nice?"

Andy answer "How could I! I had my mouth open."

Then Mai came out of the store and Andy said "You looknice in there Mai." Mai's face turn red and said "Thanks." Terry, Andy, Mai, and Joe was walking and they came a cross four people. They ask the four people if they want to come to the wedding at the castle. The people said yes! The four people are Sie Kensou, Yuri Sakazaki, Shingo Yabuki, and Choi Bounge.

When Terry and the other find a place to sleep. The very next day Terry celled Kim to see if he got people to come to the wedding. Kim told Terry that he got Kyo Kusanagi, Chang Koehan, Athena Asaniya, Chin Gentsai, Goro Daimon, and Ryo Sakazaki. When Terry get down with the phone. Joe was up to find that Terry had six people coming to the wedding. Then Mai was up and the last one up was Andy. They went out to find more people to come to the wedding. They found Benimaru Nika Ido, Yashiro Nanakase, and Ryuji Yamazaki. They all three said yes that they will be at the wedding.

Terry ask "Now Andy and Mai what time do you want your wedding to be?"

"3:00" Andy said.
"5:00" Mai said.

"5:00" said Andy
"3:00" said Mai

Both Mai and Andy look each other and said "4:00".

Joe started to laugh, then Terry stop him from going on. By the time joe stop laughing. Mai right cross Joe in the face. "HEY!!! Why did you hit he Mai?" ask Joe "Because you laugh Joe!" answer Mai

Then Andy started to laugh and Mai looked at Andy. Andy stop laughing. Terry told Andy, Mai, and Joe that they need to go.

Billy Kane went to Lawrence Blood and Billy told Lawrence about the Wedding at the Castle. Lawrence got mad with him and Billy said" It's not me that you need to get mad at. It's Andy Bogard." Lawrence got up and said in a agare in his voice."ANDY BOGARD!!!!!" Billy Leaves with knowing that Lawrence Blood will go after Andy. Then Billy went back on how to get rid of the castle. Ones Billy got up to see Terry. Terry was looking for the cake for the wedding. When Terry walk outside he looked every where to make sure there was no one their. Billy Kane walked back in to the dark passage way. Terry went off to find the others at the park.

Mai was feeding the birds as Andy and Joe was sitting on the bench.

The people that I write is not my to keep. So please do not put me to jail for this it is just a story that I like others to read!