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Asking Serena

Take you time and see what I ask Serena...Oh here she is.

Tuxedo Mask191: Hi Serena
Serena: Hi...Tux? Are you Darien?
Tuxedo Mask191: I am Sorry to say Serena that I am not.
Serena: Then why do you have his name?
Tuxedo Mask191: This name was giving to me by a friend.
Serena: Ok? so why am I here?
Tuxedo Mask191: Your here so that I can ask you something that most people don't know about you.
Serena: Ok I am ready.(Sit in a chair)
(Tuxedo Mask191 opens a book on a table next to him and ready to ask Serena.)
Tuxedo Mask191: Ok the first thing I am going to ask is.....Are you Sailor Moon?
Serena: Yes I am.
Tuxedo Mask191: What dose Sailor Moon do on Earth?
Serena: She fights any Negaverse that come to Earth and stop them from hurting the people who lives on it.
Tuxedo Mask191: That is good to know. What type of guy do you like Serena?
Serena: Great looks definitely come first. He's perfect if he's nice and tall. Needless to say, Darien is the perfect guy for me.
Tuxedo Mask191: Ok.
(Amy walks in to the room.)
Tuxedo Mask191: Hi Amy why are you here?
Amy: (looks at Tuxedo Mask191 then looks at Serena) Nothing Just lost my why.
Tuxedo Mask191: Amy your here do you have something to ask Serena?
Amy: Should I? I don't what to be in the way here.
Tuxedo Mask191: Your not in the way. So if you have something to ask Serena feel free and ask.
Amy: What do you think of Rini?
Serena: When she clings to Darien I sometimes get jealous. She's just a lonely little girl... and I guess Darien is her dad in later life!
Tuxedo Mask191: Thanks Amy for coming in. I hope to talk to you soon.
Amy: Your welcome. I have to get back to geting my class before I am late. BYE Serena
Serena: Bye Amy.
(Amy left the room)
Tuxedo Mask191:I have about five more to go Serena. Will you be up to it?
Serena: Sure.
Tuxedo Mask191: Ok in a fight of the Negaverse or any other evil that showed up on Earth. Who was the most powerful fow that you had to fight?
Serena: My hardest battle was with Queen Beryl because I still hadn't mastered using the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal.
