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Biking for Exercise and Pleasure

You Can Have Success at Biking.

Information Taken from the Book "Fitness Through Cycling"

Goals for Cycling

1. To attain and keep fitness through cycling, (indoors and out)

2. To strive to work for the training heart rate.

3. To ride for 30 minutes, 3 minute warm up, 24 riding at training heart rate, and 3 minutes cool down.,br>

What is My Training Heart Rate?

The Training Heart Rate is how many beats per minute you want your heart to go for the work out period.

I believe if you will cycle for 30 minutes and keep up a brisk cycle speed your heart rate will be fine. I did have how to figure your heart rate on this page. I took it off because some people felt that is was too hard to figure and got discouraged on trying to exercise. Keep up your efforts and the joy in losing and being healthy will come. <

What to Wear

Comfortable clothing, good support shoes.

Correct Posture

Adjust seat height to where when your foot is on the pedal your knee is only slightly bent. (saves on knee strain and injury)

Adjust handle bars to where you are only slightly bent forward, and little weight is placed on the arms.

Starting the Ride

1. Begin by warming up, it prevents injury and gets your muscles warm.

2. Stretch your whole body by lifting your hands over your head, and then slowly touching your toes. Do this several times.

3. Start pedaling slow with no resistance, then gradually increase your pace and the resistance on the bike to where you are comfortable riding. Its better to go the distance than to tighten the resistance so tight you are worn out after 5 or 10 minutes.

"Fitness through Cycling" suggests that you start your riding program slowly. Riding only every other day for 15 minutes ( or as long as you can). You can then begin building up to riding longer periods and every day. The author suggests that you ride hard one day, and then ride easier the next.

What I Have Experienced with Cycling

I began riding in March of 1997. I started with ½ mile and 5 minutes. I was out of condition, and was spent totally. I slowly increased my riding time, keeping in the beginning to just every other day. The end of March saw me riding 3 miles and 15 minutes.

I love riding outdoors, however time and weather do not permit that kind of riding everyday. I use the exercise bike alot. Make the ride fun for yourself, so you can keep at it. I try and watch one of my favorite TV programs when I ride.

I now ride 20 minutes every other day, and do strength training the days I do not ride my bike.

It took time to build my endurance level up to 20 minutes. Do not rush yourself. Do not overdo either. THIS IS IMPORTANT: Rest from biking one day a week.

Happy Biking

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