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Walking Is Best

Walking for Your Health

Taken from Redbook Magazine, Article Sept. 1997

Walking can burn as many calories as running, with less injury.

Walking Versus Running.

Walking works the whole body. Toning the legs, hips, buttocks, arms, back and even the mid section. Walking builds defined, but sleek muscles. It is low impact, which reduces our risk of injury.

Running works the legs and buttocks primarily. Running can build bulky muscle and puts alot of strain on your joints. It can add 3.5 times the weight of your body each time your feet hit the ground.

The article suggests you need to commit to 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week. I suggest you start small. If you can only do one block, do it. You are moving and headed in the right direction.

To figure out the walking program for yourself, time yourself walking a steady pace for 1 mile.

If it takes you more than 17 minutes to walk the mile you are a level four. I suggest starting at this level. (Please note...more advanced walkers refer to the Redbook article.)

Level 4: Walk 30 minutes three x a week for a total of 4.5 or 5 miles. You burn about 360 calories each week. We need to start small remember ! Personally I do not count calories, this is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet site. I add the calories for those who do count them.

The Right Walk

Posture: Step against a wall and get straight, not stiff , now walk this way, check posture every 10 minutes.

Arm Swing: Shoulders back, arms at 90 degrees , keep close to body and swing no higher than breast bone, and no further back than your bottom.

Stride: Try smaller steps, (not Minnie Mouse steps) but smaller steps, roll into the step, instead of coming down on your heel.

Best Shoe (should include the following);
Reflector for night time .
Shock Absorbing cushioning.
Roomy Toe box.
High Arch.

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