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The study hall

What is Islam? Islam means peace and in the religious sense it means submission to god.that is the first step to becoming a true muslim your belief that there is none worthy of worship but GOD.And alot of things can be your God money,television,even people.the only one we should worship is God.the creator and not worship created things.
Is Islam a new religion? No not at all Islam(submisson to god) has been the only way for all people from Adam to Jesus to Muhammad(peace be upon all these worthy servents of god).The Qur'an the holy book of muslims poses a question to the Jews and Christians it asks was Father Abraham a Jew or Christan it says no he was a upright muslim(submitted to one god)and was not of the idolators.I think this is a very intelligent question since Abraham was born before Jesus(and his followers were called christians) and was born before judah his great grandson (the name Jew came after the existence of Judah) so what was the religion of god before Jesus AND Judah It was Islam(submission to the one god).shahada is confession of your faith to one god.Adam bared witness to one god.Moses confessed(hear o' Israel the lord our god is one.when Jesus came on the secne he repeated(hear o' Israel the lord our god is one) Muhammad said(LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAH)no god but the god. all of these mighty men of god have taken shadada when will you bear witness to the oneness and uniques of god and become a muslim(submitter to one god)As-Salaam Alakuim

Religious studies links

A history of muhammad(peace be upon him)
A history of christanity
A history of Judaism
online Bible
Introduction to the study of the Qur'an
The Holy Qur'an
What the Qur'an says about Jesus
Tha lie that killed a Nation
