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Rose Gardener

April 27-May 23, 1999

Once upon a time, there was a master gardener who had a marvelous rose garden. Visitors came from around the world to see the beauty and inhale the fragrance of his garden. One day a visitor was less than impressed, having been coerced by his wife into visiting. “Why,” he said, “if I had a garden in the perfect spot with good soil and good stock, I could make roses bloom like this, too!”

The gardener overheard the man’s statement. He then chose one of his weakest plants, and took it to the southwest desert and planted it. He tended it and cared for it until it bloomed. The people who witnessed it said, “What a beautiful rose!”

Then, the gardener took it and moved to the tundra of the northwest. He planted and tended his little rose bush and cared for it until it bloomed. People said, “What a hardy little plant!”

Then, the gardener took it and moved to the marshes of the southeast coastal lands. There, he, again, planted and tended his little rose bush and cared for it until it bloomed. The people who knew of the gardener’s travels then said, “What a wonderful gardener!”

HINT: The secret of the rose’s growth wasn’t in its strength, or the perfection of its setting, but it was in the care of the gardener who tended it. Bloom where you’re planted. You have a Gardener looking out for your needs. Trust him.

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