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We, the young generation of Afghans at the Afghan Communicator, came together to form a medium which enables us to culturally and intellectually connect together the scattered Afghan communities around the world. Well into our second decade away from our shattered land, we vow not to forget our roots! With the Afghan pride and Muslim Identity in common, we endeavor to build a bridge of unity among our diverse community abroad, toward an educated and closely-knit Afghan community abroad. We do not tolerate any bias based on age, gender, ethnicity, language or creed.

We have grown weary of the ongoing disunity of the Afhgan community abroad, which has been further fueled by the political situation in Afghanistan. Most of the already existing Afghan publications serve as a medium for a faction or ethnic propaganda. Therefore, we strive to achieve and maintain an unbiased, constructive and educational means of communication which brings the community, especially the educated young, closer together, in a peaceful, social, democratic, Islamic and scholarly atmospher. We chose English as the main language of expression due to its commonality among our young generation around the world.

Let it be known that we at the Afghan Communicator hold our women in high esteem as we do our men. That the darkness of ignorance has no place among the new generation of Afghans! That preference based on ethnicity, creed, gender, status and political ideology except for the sake of peace and democracy for all, lie outside the goals of the Afghan Communicator.

Hereby, we announce and exercise the right to exist as voice of the young Afghans. May God grant us the wisdom to seek unity, the courage to maintain it and the strength to make it endure.