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This is Arcania .

The News For The Arcania Braves Fan Base

Arcania Is ;

This is the official news letter for the Arcania Braves The official Arcania fan club. There are no fees for membership , and there is no papers to fill out. If You listen to the band , or would like to , and You support what they stand for You Are an Arcania Brave. Chapters of the braves exist all over central Indiana , and Southern Indiana , Northern Kentucky and abroad. To become the Chief of Your own Tribe of Braves e-mail Us at To get started.

What about this makeup thing?

A lot of people have wondered that , and it actually started as a last minute Haloween gag to help promote Our first Album Masquerade back in 1996 and it just stuck. all the places we toured after that expected it as part of the show. After months of battling against it thinking it would be copy catting another major rock act , We gave in to the demands of Our fans , and put the makeup back on. We just wear it on stage though. Since the whole Steal The Waves (Hit Single featured on Rodell Records Sounds from the underground CD) and The Metal Wars (A group of Rock Bands touring to battle the growing blaaa of Modern Rock Music) The Makeup has been intergrated with the whole "Arcania Braves" Thing and has become known as Our War Paint. We'd do anything for Our fans , and I think walking around with mabaline colored hair each day proves that point. Well That's it for the Makeup news. We will be back with more up to date news as Arcania grows STRONGER as more and more nations of Braves move in to support this band.

Thank You , and may the Grandfathers bless You as they have Us!

Bass Guitars
