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Download rzAwaySystem

rzAwaySystem vs 2000

rzAwaySystem is a script made for mIRC vs 5.7 or later. Easy to use, the AwaySystem will log any notices, messages and pages you receive for you to read or keep. You also have the option of having a sound of your choice play automatically when you are messaged. If used while you are marked away in a channel, it will send a msg informing them why you are away.

Dropdown Menu for rzAwaySystem.ini
mIRC screen Dropdown menu

Away System alias: /zaway and /away

Both of these aliases work as a toggle switch
If you are NOT marked away, they will mark you as being away using your current nick with the default reason and enables the Away System.
If you ARE marked away, they will mark you as being back and disables the System.

AutoLogging of messages

The Away System will AutoLog all messages, notices and /dcc chat attempts.
An optional sound will notify you that a message has been received and the number of
logged messages will appear in your titlebar. The sender will be sent a /notice that
you are away, with optional instructions on how to page you.

The pager is enabled while you are marked away and anyone trying
to contact you will be sent a notice instructing them how to page you.
An optional sound will notify you that you have been paged and these are also logged.
[ Any /msg or /dcc chats you receive will AutoClose. ]

Viewing, Saving and Deleting Message Logs

Right-click in your status or channnel window and select @window (recommended), status screen, or text file. @window option will open a new window minimized to the switchbar, just click on the icon to open.
Status option will display all logged messages to your status screen.
Text option will open the messages in your default text editor.
Double-click anywhere in the window to delete all messages or right click anywhere to save messages and other options. Saved logs will be saved to your main mirc folder and numbered sequentially.
status: type /delmsg in any window to delete message logs.
text file: use text editor commands to save|delete message logs.

Download It From Here
Download rzNoticeNick

rzNoticeNick vs 2000

A handy mIRC script for those who love to whisper as they chat in a busy channel. This script allows you to make a list of the 10 people you most often send /notices to and sets their addresses to an easy alias that you make.

Nick List for rzNoticeNick.ini
mIRC screen Dropdown menu

How to Setup Nick Aliases

Right Click in any mirc screen for the drop down menu shown above.
Then select rzNoticeNick|Setup
Type in the nickname of the 1st person then "OK"
2nd box, type in their username for IRC then "OK"
3rd box, type in the domain of the IP then "OK"
4th box, type in the alias you'd like to use instead of "/notice Sno"...EXAMPLE: /sno
Repeat this for each person you want in your list

Once you have set up your list of Notice Nicks, the aliases you made will
set to their addresses when they send their first notice to you. You can change
any user or delete the list anytime using the popups in the drop down screen.