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A #Beginner Channel For All!!

Superchat Net's #beginner
Founded: February 28th, 1997
Contributor's: Everyone who has come to call it home away from home :)

Goal: To bodly go where no help/chat channel has gone before....

We like tothink we are unique to any other channel in the fact that we encourage the use of colors in popups and aliases...the testing of remotes and scripts...and theplaying of wavs in not only teach but to have fun and meet people from all over the world at the same time...maybe even make a good friend or two along the way :)

We would like you to take this opportunity to wonder around our homepage. Have a peek into who we are and what we do in our little corner of the net. Please feel free to stop by and visit us on Superchat Net....Coffee's On!!! :)

Look below for IRC instructions :)

To Find All Of Us On Irc:

1. You first need to download the 'mIRC' program and install it to your computer. Just click your mouse on the mIRC icon, it will bring you
to their homepage.
2. When you have installed mIRC, double click on the mirc32.exe and it
will open to the screen VERY similiar to the background on this page :)
3. Then fill in your information in Setup [you can fib about your info]
4. To 'Connect' to the NewBrunswick Server on Superchat Net just type this in the status screen -->/server

To get mIRC -- Download from here [that's all it takes!]

Take some time to peek at some special people on the channel -->
#Beginner's Homepage a very unruly group ;)

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