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#Beginner's Achievement Page For Ops and +v's

Ribbon of Achievement for Ops and +v's

Award for Op excellence

Our Illustrious Leader

#Beginner's IvorySno
[just on the sexy pic to discover the REAL Ms Sno]

This month our very own channel manager Ms IvorySno
a gal that can always be counted on to do what needs doing....
be that a friendly smile or steel-toed hiking boot *wink*
Always willing to help newbies and fellow ops alike
Ms Sno is a colour expert with her own set of crayons
she's a strong contender to popup queen of the universe
as well as being a scripting dragoness with 3/7 of her own logo.
Handling every job from chief cook to bottle washer (she doesn't do dos)
#beginner congratulates our very own Snowwy !!!!