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rzDccManager vs 2000

rzDccMngr is a script made for mIRC vs 5.7 or later. Easy to use, this script is irreplaceable, it will make the need to use Windows Explorer while in mIRC almost obsolete. You can now copy, move, delete files. You can auto-load ini's and mrc's into mIRC , track downloads and auto-view, auto-run or auto-play them as soon as they complete downloading. The list of options in this file is endless but they are all explained below.

mIRC Screen Dropdown Menu for rzDccmngr.ini
mIRC screen Dropdown menu

How to Copy, Move, and Backup Files

Right-click in any mirc screen for the drop down menu shown above.
Then select rzDccmngr|FileChoice|Copy or Move File
Type: /rzCM and choose the file from the prompt box.

When you finish copying a file to another folder you will be asked if you would like to delete the original copy. If you say 'yes' to deleting, you are actually 'MOVING' that file because the original copy of it will no longer exist.

If the file you are copying already exists in the folder you are copying to, you will be given the choice of making a backup copy or cancelling. A copy will be backed up to a folder the script will create called rzsafety.
( Ex: mypops.ini would be renamed to mypopups.ini(1).rzbak and moved to c:\mirc\rzsafety )
You thereby have a means to restore this file should you find you require it later.

How to Delete Files

Right Click in any mirc screen for the drop down menu shown above.
Then select rzDccmngr|FileChoice|Delete File
Type: /rzDel and choose a file from the prompt box.
IMPORTANT: using THIS 'delete' will completely remove the file from your computer, it will NOT place it in your recycle bin, so you will not be able to retrieve it if you change your mind later.

Auto Loading Files for mIRC

Right-click in any mirc screen for the dropdown menu shown above.
Then select rzDccmngr|FileChoice|Copy/Load into mIRC
Type: /rzVU and choose the file from the prompt box.
If you copy any .ini or .mrc to your main mirc directory, you will be given the option 'Do you want to load this file in mIRC'. If you say yes, you will need to know the type of mIRC file it is (ie: Remote Alias or Popup) Choose from the load options that follow, and the file will be loaded automatically.
The 4 most common load commands are available with this option:
Load File to Remotes
Load File to Aliases
Load File to Popup Nicknamelist
Load File to Popup Channel

To View or Run Files

Right-click in any mirc screen for the dropdown menu shown above.
Then select rzDccmngr|FileChoice|View or Run File
Type: /rzVU and choose the file from the prompt box.

rzDccmngr will automatically open logs, ini's, mrc's, txt's. It will play wav's, midi's and mp3's and will also open jpg's, gif's and bmp's for you to view in their default application.

Files you receive in DCC will set the file to a number, as soon as the DCC Get is complete. The command and number to type will appear in your status screen under 'FileChoice'

rzDccmngr will track the last 20 files you have received in your current mirc session.

AutoPlay of Sound Files

rzDccmngr will autoplay wavs, midi's and mp3's once the DCC Get has completed. This option can be turned off with the rzdccmngr popups in any mIRC screen. To hear mp3's, you must have an mp3 player for your computer. EX: Winamp.exe

Tracking Dcc Downloads

This option will send a /notice to each person you are sending or receiving a file, with information on how fast the send rate is and the percentage of the file(s) that has been sent so far.
Type /srate for info on files you are sending.
Type /grate for info on files you are getting
The F-keys are a seperate option, and will auto-track the file(s), sending a notice every 5 minutes until all files are done downloading.
Press sF8 for automatic /srate
Press sF9 for automatic /grate

Logging Files from Dcc Get and Send

rzDccMngr will log all files that are sent or received. You now have a way of finding when and who a file came from and whether or not the download was completed successfully.
To View Logs:
Right-click in any screen for the dropdown menu.
Then select rzDccmngr|File Logs
You can either view sound or file logs, empty them or disable logging altogether.
Note: This option only keeps a record of DCC get/send's, it does NOT log or keep record of Dcc Chats.

Get/Send Failure of Files

rzDccMngr will warn if there was an interruption in a file you were receiving or sending. You will automatically send a /notice about both and they will appear in your status screen.

Explain to Newbies

To explain moving or copying a file to the totally helpless:
Right-click in any mIRC screen for the dropdown menu
Then select rzDccmngr|Explain to Newbies|Explain Copy or Move
Enter the file name with extension that you have sent them. The exact line they will need to type will be shown to them in the appropriate window
(or send them rzDccmngr) :)

Some Tips

- Mirc will not process copy/delete/run commands on filenames or foldernames containing spaces. The script will return an error message to that effect and halt. You will have to rename the file or folder, or complete the operation in windows explorer.

- If AutoView Pics or AutoPlay Sounds is enabled and the file opens twice when downloading, check in Dcc Options to see if that file extension has 'open with this application' set.
If it has, click the mouse on the bar to unset that option and "ok" to save changes.

- For a list of the contents, aliases and F-keys used in rzDccmngr, Type /rzdcc