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This Mp3 script is best used in mIRC 5.7 AND with the Mp3 Player program "Winamp" (or Windows MediaPlayer). Together, it is possible to send, get, and play mp3's quietly to yourself or simultaneously play them with others in a chat or in a channel. (To play simultaneously, the mp3 sound files must have the same name and spelled exactly the same way, much like wavs or midi's)

mIRC Screen Dropdown Menu for rzMP3.ini
mIRC screen Dropdown menu

rzMP3 Setup

If you have never loaded or completed the setup for rzMp3.ini before, it will automatically set your Mp3 Sound Folder to your mirc 'get directory' which is the folder that ALL files download to that have been sent to you while on IRC. It also creates a folder to keep your mp3's seperate from the rest of your files. The folder is in your mirc directory called "Mp3".

You can change the choice of folder settings anytime (as shown above in diagram):
1) Right click in your mIRC STATUS screen
2) Then 'mp3'
3) Then 'rzMp3 Setup'
4) Then 'Set Mp3 Folder'

If you HAVE a previous version of the ini and have completed the setup before, then none of your previous settings will change when loading this version. rzMp3 will automatically search for Winamp first, then a version of Windows mediaplayer before asking you to browze to the player of your choice.

Hopefully this setup makes it as simple as possible for new and advanced users alike.

FKey Options in rzMP3

There are popups in each mIRC screen dropdown menu with options to play an mp3 to the channel, another user or to yourself. rzMP3.ini also uses F-Keys to make it easier to play your mp3 sounds.

To Play an Mp3 (in any screen):
press F5 and choose a song

This is set to 'OFF' when the script is loaded so that you can CHOOSE the files you wish to grab by using the F-Keys
press cF5 (hold down control key + F5) to grab a mp3 of your choice as it's played in the screen.

Random Play:
press sF5 (hold down shift key + F5) and an mp3 will randomly play from your directory.

Quick Tips

Eliminate spaces in sound file names: mIRC will not recognize spaces in sound files and others will not be able to get or play a file that has them. Example: "really kewl.mp3" should be changed to "really_kewl.mp3"

To Download Winamp for Mp3's and Wavs Here: