Letting Him Go

By Stormy

When I first saw
That red hair and those eyes
I knew no name but
I feel in love with the guy.

I heard rumors of
Who he was
And then I knew the name
He was Ziggy Stardust of the Spiders from Mars.

The rock star unknowingly
Stole my heart
With those clothes and words
From the very start

His words touched my heart
He made me laugh and even cry
And then I told my family and
They asked me "Ziggy Stardust? Why?"

I found out they hated him,
His music, and even his eyes.
It broke my heart to hear
Them say what they said that night.

And then that night when
He gave his last farewell
Outside I was crying
Inside it felt like hell.

Ziggy had went back
To his faraway star
Though to this day
He has a special place in my heart

My family still says those
Things to this day
Though they hate his music,
In my heart, that place still stays

I wrote this to say how
I feel when I see that
Ex-glam rock star
The oh so beautiful Ziggy Stardust.
