*Forever Bowie's...

You Know You've Been A Fan Of Bowie Too Long When...

1) ......when you notice that your CD collection is composed of songs about diamond dogs, rock stars out to save the world, and astronauts that get high in space
2) .......when you have seen Labyrinth so many times that you become poessesed by Jareth at times.
3)......when you use David Bowie as an excuse for not finishing your homework and your teachers believe you.
4) ......if you are reading this.
5) ......if you can name all of his songs in alphabetical order, backwards and fowards.
6) ......if you have created a web site devoted to David.
7) ......if you have ever punched a person for saying BOOWIE instead of BOWIE.
8) .......when people can tell your answering machine/voice mail by the David Bowie song playing in the background.
9) .......when you can smell a David Bowie album from a mile away, being drawn into a cd store directly to the Bowie section.
10).......when you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, barely recognizing yourself under the bleached hair and makeup, and then you realize you're just looking at your Bowie poster again.
11).......when your favorite Stevie Ray Vaughn album is "Let's Dance"
12).......when you insist on capitalizing his name whenever you write about him.
13).......when you think the Laughing Gnome is a fantastic song
14).......when you agree to pay an extra $5.95 a month to read David's web journal
15).......if you have memorized all the titles of David Bowie cd's in your collection (which would be all of them) by making up poems like this: If Ziggy Stardust becomes an Earthling, he could be a Hero. Outside, it could be Hunky Dory but if you make Aladdin Sane he may, become a Young American and hit a Low getting from StationToStation. Absorbing the Changes he may become your Lodger Tonight, or maybe a Scary Monster!
16.......when every occasion calls for a Bowie lyric
17.......when you have the band play Never Let Me down at your wedding reception followed by Heroes.
18.......when your ISP address is davidbowie.com
19.......when you pay $50 at eBay for a Diamond Dogs tag
20.......when you stick pins in an Iman voodoo doll
21.......when you have plastic surgery to look like Iman to fool David for one wonderous night with David.
22.......when you dream of a Bowie Net mouse pad
23.......if the police have come over to your house for waking up the neighbors because of playing Ziggy Stardust too loud (like it says to do on the cover)
24.......if, when you pick up a guitar, automatically start playing "Ziggy Stardust."
25.......when you've written your surname as Bowie for so long, you momentarily forget your real last name when you go to sign a check. (Hehe, this one is mine ;-)- Lady Stardust)

The thanks for this one goes out to A Girl (Yes thats what she calls herself on her page, I didn't just forget her name) at Forever Bowie. If you want to see who submitted what, or add your own go to You Know You've Been A Fan Of Bowie Too Long When...
To see the rest of the page (theres not a link back from the "You Know.." page) go to Forever Bowie