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The story about the Cottingley - elves is the most fameous story of them all about elves.

In 1917, there was two young girls, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, who claimed to have taken photographs of elves that they had seen and talked to, in Cottingley-Yorkshire. Several years later, in 1921, they admitted for the whole world, that the pictures was just a fake. They had simply cut out pictures of elves from magazines, and hanged it into trees. The girls told the press that they actually had seen real elves, but couldn't get photos of them, so they made this pictures instead.

Wouldn't we all want this story to be true ??

The picture on the top of this page is a real photo with one of the girls, and if you're asking me, the girls have done a good job with it, we're talking about the 20's here :o)


Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Links to sites about the Cottingley-story

Fairy Tale - A True Story
The Official webpage for the movie

The Cottingley Fairies

The Case of the Cottingley Fairies