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Links To The Most beautiful Fairy Pages
You'll find them here with the best Fantasy pages

These pages are so incredible beautiful, that they will take your breath away, and you will feel that you have come to Fairy-land.

Let this be my tribute to all people who have put their hearts and souls, and a lot of hard work into these pages. Their sites are the decoration on my page.

If you want me to add your site, send me a mail with your page - url, and a short description of your page. If you have a banner, or a picture you want next to your link, please mail that too.That will make your link more personal. Link-pages will not be considered, and it is only the very best pages who will be added here :o)

Apply for my  Award


Go and visit where the fairies lives

Again Glass is an entity concieved and created to be of service to Nature and a messenger of Light. Magic, Fantasy, Nature are the focus of studio creations.

This is more beautiful than you can ever imagine (DarkRose)

   Faeries Are Among Us !

~Come and play with the Wee Folk in this very enchanting realm of the fae! Search for the treasure the Wee Folk have hidden, Count all the Will o' the Wisps and win a prize, look for secret rooms. Travel inFaerie Rings, and wander the many Gateways to The land of the Fae.Apply for an award created by WanderingFaerie and the Wee Folk, or just lie back and dream of an enchanted world where nothing is as it seems and the Fairies hold Court!
    Faeries are Among us!HappyWandering!~


   Faeries And Other WeeFolk

Faeries and Other Wee Folk is a delighful site with lots of infomation about the Wee Folk and tons of pictures and graphics, midi's all designed with much love by this webmaster. A MUST TO SEE!

            The Gnom Site

This site has the same owner as the site abowe.
Here you will get to know the gnomes,you will find out where they have been seen (maps)and much,much more. (DarkRose)


A fantasyworld where you can dance with the Fae,run with the Unicorns,or soar with the dragon.


At my site,you will find fey beauty, through the gardens of Wonder,I explain who the fay are,
and catch a glimpse of the realism of how we can see the fey today.Fairies are of the old tradition~I practice Fairy Wicca.They have given me so much in my real life.My site is a dedication to them,bringing their beauty with music to complement them as well.


This beautiful page has the most lovely fairies you can imagine,to adopt.Visit for a breath-
taking surprise (DarkRose)



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