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I am so proud to have received these awards,

please visit their pages,they are just as lovely as the awards!

Awardpage 2

Dec.28.98 - This beautiful Award is so extra
special to me:o)) Thank you so very much Friday!*HUGS*

Dec.27.98 - Thank you so much, Faerie Song
for this beautiful award! I'm so proud:o))

Dec.19.98 - What a wonderful surprise!!
Thank you so much, Beryl & Aleesha:o))

Dec.7.98 - Thank you so much Camantha, for another wonderful
Award! I was so surprised,
and words cannot describe how happy and proud I am to have earned this:o)

Nov.28.98 - I am so very happy to recieve this beautiful award,
it comes from a truly wonderful and loving page,
thank you Ms.Pandabear!


Nov.26.98 - Thank you so much Camantha, for these wonderful
Awards. The Fantastic Award came as a lovely surprise, and
I am so proud :o))

Nov.20.98 - Thank you so much for this very beautiful award !

Oct.98 - Thank you, Lady Spirit !