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About Me

Well this is me!!!
Marsha Jayne

My name is Marsha,I'm 41 years old. I live in Indiana. At this
time I am single and waiting for Mr. Right to come save me. LOL But in the
mean time I am having a Blast. I have many interests but right now it seems
like the computer has taken over. I like meeting people and making new friends.

I can normally be found in VP or on ICQ.
Stop in and say HELLO!!
Thank-You for stopping by.

I am a true believer in this:

The ICQ Online-Message Panel
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Use of the ICQ Online-Message Panel is subject to Terms and Conditions

I would like to THANK Dave aka/Blonde Dude for helping me get started with out him I could not have had the courage to start one of these pages!!
Thanks Dave for keeping on my butt...remember when I first started, wasn't I a pain in the (_*_)....Love you Dude
